Shakespeare 12 Night


『十二夜』(じゅうにや、Twelfth Night, or What You Will)は、イギリスの劇作家ウィリアム・シェイクスピア作の喜劇である。副題は「御意のままに」を意味する。1601年から1602年頃に、クリスマスのシーズンの終わりを告げる十二夜で上演するために書かれたと考えられているが、劇中に十二夜の行事に関わるような台詞はない。この芝居は双子のきょうだいであるヴァイオラとセバスチャンが船の難破で離ればなれになってしまったことから始まる。ヴァイオラは少年に変装するが、自分が仕えているオーシーノ公爵に恋をしてしまう。オーシーノは伯爵家の令嬢であるオリヴィアに恋をしているが、オリヴィアはヴァイオラを男だと思い込んで思いを寄せるようになってしまう。(English) Twelfth Night, or What You Will, is a comedy by English playwright William Shakespeare. The subtitle means "as you will." It is believed to have been written around 1601-02 for a Twelfth Night performance at the end of the Christmas season, but there are no lines in the play that refer to the events of Twelfth Night. Instead, the play begins when twin brothers Viola and Sebastian are separated after a shipwreck. Viola disguises herself as her boy, but she falls in love with the Duke of Orsino, whom she serves. Orsino is in love with Olivia, the count's daughter, but Olivia thinks Viola is a man and begins to fall in love with her.


Shakespeare 12 Night - Characters

Viola (Cesario) - hero of the story. Cesario is her name when dressed as a man.

Duke of Orsino - The Duke of Illyria, served by Viola. He proposes to Olivia.

Olivia - Earl, daughter of Illyria.

Sir Toby Belch - Olivia's uncle.

Sir Andrew Egcheek - Olivia's suitor.

Mariah - Olivia's handmaiden.

Malvolio - Earl's butler.

Feste - Earl's jester.

Sebastian - Viola's twin brother.

Antonio - A friend of Sebastian.

Shakespeare 12 Night - Synopsis


Viola is shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria and comes ashore with a Captain's help.

She has lost contact with her twin brother, Sebastian, whom she believes to be drowned, and with the aid of the Captain, she disguises herself as a young man under the name Cesario and enters the service of Duke Orsino.


Duke Orsino has convinced himself that he is in love with Olivia, who is mourning the recent death of her brother.

She refuses to see entertainment, be in the company of men, or accept love or marriage proposals from anyone, the Duke included, until seven years have passed.


Duke Orsino uses 'Cesario' as an intermediary to profess his passionate love before Olivia.

Olivia, however, falls in love with 'Cesario,' setting her at odds with her professed duty.

In the meantime, Viola has fallen in love with Duke Orsino, creating a love triangle:

Viola loves Duke Orsino, Duke Orsino loves Olivia, and Olivia loves Viola disguised as Cesario.


In the comic subplot, several characters conspire to make Olivia's pompous steward, Malvolio, believe that Olivia has fallen for him.

This involves Olivia's riotous uncle, Sir Toby Belch; another would-be suitor, a silly squire named Sir Andrew Aguecheek; her servants, Maria and Fabian; and her witty fool, Feste.


Sir Toby and Sir Andrew engage in drinking and revelry, thus disturbing the peace of Olivia's household until late into the Night, prompting Malvolio to chastise them. Sir Toby famously retorts,

"Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?" (Act II, Scene III).


Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Maria plan revenge on Malvolio.

They convince Malvolio that Olivia is secretly in love with him by planting a love letter written by Maria in Olivia's handwriting.

It asks Malvolio to wear yellow stockings cross-gartered-a color and fashion that Olivia hates-to is rude to the rest of the servants, and to smile constantly in the presence of Olivia.


Malvolio finds the letter and reacts in surprised delight.

He starts acting out the letter's contents to show Olivia his positive response.

Olivia is shocked by the changes in Malvolio and, agreeing that he seems mad, leaves him to be cared for by his tormentors.

Pretending that Malvolio is insane, they lock him in a dark chamber. Feste visits him to mock his insanity, disguised as a priest and himself.


Meanwhile, Viola's twin, Sebastian, has been rescued by Antonio, a sea captain who previously fought against Orsino. He accompanies Sebastian to Illyria despite the danger because of his admiration for Sebastian.

Sebastian's appearance adds the confusion of mistaken identities to the comedy.


Sebastian is on a tour of Illyria when he happens to meet Olivia.

Sebastian is perplexed and wonders if he is dreaming when a stranger, a beautiful princess, asks him to marry her, but he accepts her proposal.

Olivia, stubbornly refused by Cesario up to that point, decides to get married immediately before he changes his mind.


After that, Orsino meets Olivia and proposes, but as usual, she refuses.

Furthermore, Orsino, thinking she has been betrayed, rages at Cesario when he hears her call her husband.


Viola, who doesn't know her, denies it, but she now screams that Olivia has been betrayed.

Sebastian appears in the middle of such an argument, and everyone is surprised.


Viola and Sebastian confirm each other's identities and learn they are brothers and sisters separated.

Olivia is embarrassed when she proposes to Viola as her man.

Still, neither Olivia nor Sebastian feels terrible for each other, while Orsino finds out that Cesario is her woman, and he proposes again.

Thus, two couples are happily born.

Shakespeare 12 Night

Twelfth Night (1969)

Twelfth Night by the Globe

Boys Will Be Boys (and Sometimes Girls)

The Value of Storytelling by Stephen Fry and Tim Carroll

As You Like It (1936) Colorized Movie | Shakespeare | Laurence Olivier, Elizabeth Bergner

Sir Laurence Olivier, is one of the greatest Shakespearean/film actors of the 20th century. Here we see him in the prime of his youth and beauty. Classic!

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