Shetland Treasure - Knitting Fair Isle Accessories and Traditional Bar Needle Knitting Lace


世界中には様々な編み方の作品があります。それぞれの土地の伝統と文化を表現していて、私たちはその美しさと細かい模様にいつも驚かされます。それぞれの編み物本は、もうすでに美術品の紹介本のようです。その美しい自然と作品を楽しみましょう。(English) There are many different knitting techniques around the world. Each expresses the traditions and culture of its land. And we are always amazed at the beauty and detail of the patterns. Each knitting book is already like an introduction to a work of art. Let's enjoy the beautiful nature and the artwork.

Shetland Treasure Knitting
Fair Isle Accessories and Traditional Bar Needle Knitting Lace

From the Shetland Islands, home of Fair Isle knitting, the pinnacle of patterned knitting, comes a selection of knitted goods created by the island's leading knitwear designers.

The Fair Isle knitted cell phone cases and fingerless gloves designed especially for this book are recommended for beginners.

Even those who think sweaters are too intimidating can quickly try them.

In addition to knitting diagrams and patterns, there are also a variety of photographs of works and introductions to new artists who can be considered a new wave.

The pictures of the precious museum collections are filled with cute patterns and color schemes that will tickle the hearts of knitting enthusiasts.

The book also introduces another Shetland tradition known only to those in the know: knitting soft bar needle lace with wool yarn.

Of course, the beautiful scenery of the islands and travel information are even more extensive than in the previous book.

This book is filled with treasures of the sacred land of knitwear.


Traditional Gloves of Scotland

Hand-knitted gloves and their history in Shetland and Sanka

From the Shetland Islands in the northernmost part of Scotland, you will find a variety of fair-isle knitted and fashionable lace gloves.

And from Sanka, a rural town in the southwestern part of the mainland, we introduce elegant black-and-white patterned gloves and accessories known only to those in the know.

The stories of these gloves, their charms, histories, and mysterious coincidences, are presented along with beautiful landscapes.

The book includes knitting instructions and pattern diagrams, from easy-to-knit mittens for beginners to full-fledged Fair Isle gloves, from delicate lace gloves to matching hats.

In addition, a leading Sanka knitter explains how to knit a snood so readers can quickly try their hand at this unique monotone pattern.

Various traditional patterns are also covered with clear photographs and pattern charts.

Practical, beautiful, and storybook gloves will ignite the hearts of knitting enthusiasts.

Of course, the book is also accompanied by plenty of familiar travel information, including photos of the best hotels, museums, and spectacular scenery in both regions.


Let's Knit More and More in English by Tomoko Nishimura

The author, who is well versed in overseas knitting, teaches how to knit in English patterns, introducing the differences in thinking and interesting customs between Japan and other countries.

She also explains practical techniques used in other countries, such as the making, laying down, and increasing/decreasing stitches, along with the processes involved.

The book also suggests works using various techniques. Instructions are provided in English and Japanese translations, as well as in Japanese-style diagrams.

A glossary of terms necessary for knitting with English patterns is also included.


Explanation of the characteristics of the LOPI sweater, a traditional Icelandic knit.

LOPI is sweet twisted wool.

Like the Fisherman's Sweater, the Lopi Sweater has long been necessary for fishers in Iceland.

It is knitted with thicker roping (sweet-twist) yarn rather than the sheep's oil-retaining yarn used for the Fisherman's, which is more waterproof.

Traditional ropy sweaters have been made from undyed wool in many shades of ivory, gray, brown, and black, taking advantage of the raw wool.

Ropey sweaters are famous for their "round yokes" knitted in "centripetal knitting."

Unlike standard set-in sleeves or raglan sleeves, the "circular yoke" pattern is designed to come to the foreground with the sleeves integrated from the elbow up.

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