"Skype" speech recognition + natural language processing enables cross-lingual dialogue.


Skypeは、ビデオ通話と音声通話にリアルタイム翻訳機能を追加します。この機能は、AIの音声認識と言語処理により、話し手の声をリアルタイムで検出、翻訳、送信するものです。この機能により、異なる言語を話す人同士のコミュニケーションが、より身近で人間らしいものになるようです。この機能は、複数の言語で提供されます。(English) Skype will soon add the real-time translation to its video and voice calls. The feature uses AI speech recognition and language processing to detect, translate and transmit the speaker's voice in real time. This feature will make communication between different language speakers more accessible and human-like. The feature will be available in several languages.

"Skype" speech recognition + natural language processing enables cross-lingual dialogue. To be released in 2023.

On 14 December, Microsoft-owned Skype announced plans to add the real-time translation to Skype. The company said it would roll out the feature to group video and voice calls in the coming months.

The feature combines artificial intelligence (AI)-based speech recognition technology and natural language processing to automatically detect the speaker's language in a video call, translate the speaker's voice into the desired language in real time, and transmit it to the other party via subtitled text and voice. This function is more akin to an 'interpreter' than a translator.

According to the company, it is also possible to sample spoken words and use one's voice as the translator's, allowing for a more human-like conversation. It would make communication between speakers of different languages more accessible and natural.

This feature is available in several languages, including English, Spanish, French, German and Chinese (no mention of Japanese). The company says it can be used by simply activating translation from the [...] menu during a call.

"Skype" speech recognition + natural language processing enables cross-lingual dialogue. To be released in 2023.


Skype TruVoice - real-time translations with your voice! 


You can now easily communicate with anyone in any language via Skype. Moreover, Skype can automatically detect different languages and start audio and text translation for you and the others on the call.

Go from text to speech with a versatile AI voice generator - AI-powered, authentic human voices 


4 AI tools that speak Japanese instead of humans 


Murf AI is a speech synthesis software that uses machine learning algorithms and an AI voice generator to create human-like voices in 20 languages. It comes with an extensive audio library for high-quality and natural voice dubbing. You can also convert home-recorded audio into studio-quality AI voices for video, presentation and text-to-speech applications. Japanese voice is supported with Premium service.

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