The Catcher in the Rye


ニコラス・ホルト主演、映画『ライ麦畑の反逆児 ひとりぼっちのサリンジャー』「ライ麦畑でつかまえて」の著者J・D・サリンジャーの知られざる半生を描いた伝記ドラマです。1939年、サリンジャーはコロンビア大学で短編小説を書き上げ、作家としての一歩を踏み出します。彼は1人の娘と恋に落ち、やがて従軍し、欧州に出征。壮絶な体験に傷つきつつも、書くことを支えに生き続けます。今日は小説のあらすじを見ていきましょう。(English) Trailer for "The Rebel in the Rye: The Lone Salinger" starring Nicholas Hoult. A biographical drama about the unknown life of J.D. Salinger, author of "The Catcher in the Rye. In 1939, Salinger took his first steps as a writer by completing a short story at Columbia University. He falls in love with a woman but eventually serves in the army and goes to war in Europe. Although the horrific experience scars him, he continues to live his life with the support of his writing. Today we will take a look at the novel's synopsis.

Summary of The Catcher in the Rye

Author: J.D. Salinger

Country: USA

Publication: 1951

Genre: Long novel, coming-of-age novel

Themes: Inner conflicts of adolescence, rebellion against social deception



Holden, recuperating in a hospital, recounts the events of last Christmas.

Holden is expelled from a college preparatory school for poor grades.


Holden is fed up with Dr. Spencer's sermon when he visits to say goodbye.

When he returned to the dormitory, he found students like Ackley and Stradlater an eyesore.

Finally, he got into a fight with Stradlater.

Then, depressed, Holden left school earlier than planned.


Mothers of classmates encountered on the train.

The women he met in the hotel lobby.

The prostitute who came to his room.

Sally, his date.

Holden was disgusted and depressed by the inability of the people he met to escape worldly desires such as greed and lust for the honor.


He decides to go home once and see his sister Phoebe.

Phoebe reunites with her brother without the watchful eye of their parents.

When she knows he has been expelled from his school, she says, "You don't like everything in the world."


Holden was depressed when he heard about his sister.

He tells her he wants to be "a catcher in the rye," which is catching children playing in the rye when they are about to fall off a cliff.


Holden leaves his parents' home.

He visits his former teacher, Mr. Antolini.

After listening to him some advice, Holden falls asleep.

When he wakes up a short time later, the teacher is stroking Holden's head.

Startled, Holden rushes out of the house and spends the night at the train station.


The following day Holden decided to live alone and hide from the world.

He met his sister Phoebe again to say goodbye.

But Phoebe said she would stay with her brother.


Holden refused.

They entered the zoo in a bad mood.

He watched Phoebe on the carousel.

In the heavy rain, Holden sheds tears of intense happiness.

Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" Synopsis

Rebel in the Rye

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