The Cult of Donald Trump


この記事を読んでとてもがっかりしました。バラク・オバマ前大統領の素敵なスピーチを思い出したからです。その後、ついに初の女性大統領が誕生するだろうと思っていました。ドナルド・トランプが大統領になるとは思いませんでした。彼は気に入らない選挙を拒否するために暴動を引き起こしました。これを防ぐために私たちはいったい何ができるでしょうか?私たちは、私たち一人一人が社会に認められることを望んでいます。彼らの心の叫びが聞こえてきそうです。民主主義は死んでいません。 それは進化する必要があります。(English) I was very disappointed to read this article. It is because I remembered former President Barack Obama's speech. "Yes, we can." After that, I thought we would finally have our first female president. I didn't know Donald Trump would become president. He caused riots to reject an election he didn't like. What exactly can we do to prevent this? We want to feel that we are essential to society. I can almost hear the cries of their hearts.  Democracy is not dead; it needs to evolve.  

The Cult of Donald Trump


DONALD TRUMP is the murderous cult leader who incited the mob that attacked the US Capitol on 6 January 2021.

His supporters wanted him to become a dictator by killing Vice-President Mike Pence and as many members of Parliament as possible.

That was the conclusion nationally televised on 6 Jan.

Trump urged his rabid followers to kill American democracy.


The hearing revealed that Trump controlled the insurrection and could easily have stopped his cult members from attacking the Capitol.

However, he did not want to stop them, as for months, he had tried and failed at everything to overturn the 2020 elections.

At the hearing, the most damning evidence was the video of the rioting leaders inside the Capitol.

The mob saw Trump's tweets in real-time.

They believed they were following Trump's orders.


As soon as the insurrection began, Trump's family and White House members tried to get him to call off the mob.

Because they all knew that he could call them off if he chose to do so.

That fact alone shows that he is guilty.

Pence, not Trump, ordered the military to send the National Guard to the Capitol, Milley said in audio of his testimony.


Hours after the insurrection began, Trump grudgingly made a half-hearted statement urging his supporters to go home.

The Commission played a previously unseen video in his official statement.

It shows him refusing to say the election was over and struggling with whether he should tell his supporters he had done wrong.

In America's darkest hearings, there was only one bright moment.

The committee showed video footage of Senator Hawley running frantically away shortly after raising his fist in support of the mob.

The Cult of Donald Trump

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