The Lion in Winter


1183年クリスマスのシノン城を舞台に、中世のイングランド国王ヘンリー2世と王妃アリエノール・ダキテーヌ、その3人の息子とフランス王を絡め、権力と人間関係を巡る愛憎を描かれました。(English) Set in the Château de Chinon at Christmas in 1183, the film depicted a love-hate relationship over power and connections involving King Henry II of England, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, their three sons, and the King of France in the Middle Ages.

The Lion in Winter


This classic costume play set in 12th century England features Henry II and his wife.

However, the original story is new: it is a film adaptation of a stage play that premiered on Broadway in 1966.



England in the late 12th century.

King Henry II was well past his fiftieth birthday but still held power and extended his influence into France.

But to settle the question of his succession, he summons his family to his castle on Christmas night.


Because of his relationship with his mistress Ares, his formal wife Eleanor was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Their sons are Richard, the eldest; Geoffrey, the second and John, the third.

And King Philip of France, their ally and rival.

Members were assembled to determine his successor.

(The three brothers had the eldest son, but he had already died.)


However, Henry cannot trust his eldest son Richard, who has a mother complex and is violent.

He also cannot trust his second son Geoffrey, who is too cold-hearted and creepy.

He intended to make John, the frailest and dim-witted, the next king.


However, unaware of the king's secret plans, the brothers and their mother hatched their schemes.

They began to devise a plan to take the throne away from Henry.

Thus, plots by different members were planned, consulted, and fell into disunity.

But then even Philip, King of France, joins in, and the situation becomes more chaotic.


The dialogue is exchanged as if we were watching a stage play.

What had been kept secret until then is revealed.

One is the homosexuality of the French kings, Philip and Richard.

Another is that Eleanor and Henry II's father once had an incestuous relationship.

One after another, the inner workings of the family are revealed, and the situation becomes chaotic.


The three princes then decided that their father would not yet be willing to let his son succeed him.

Finally, together with Philip, they make a plan to get rid of their father.

However, one of the best, Henry II, soon sees through the plan and captures the three.

Then Eleanor moves in to rescue her three sons.


The film climaxes with these lines from Katharine Hepburn.

It's 1183, and we are savages.

It's people who start wars.

It's not history or justice that causes them.

It's not about beliefs, religion, ideology, or political views.

Humans kill each other and start wars.

Because we are poisoned.

The living rot and the dead break down into the fields.

If we could love each other a little, we could have peace.

We could love each other. We have the potential.

We can change the world.


Richard would later become Henry II's successor and be known as the 'Lionheart King.'

He is played by the famous actor Anthony Hopkins, who makes his debut in this film.


He is a cruel prince and a mother complex who is not head over heels for his mother.

He also plays the complex role of a homosexual who loves Philippe, King of France.


Timothy Dalton played Philip, King of France.

He gave a colorful performance as a homosexual.

He then played 007 James Bond, who could be described as 'Mr. England'.


The film seems to reflect the dark winter climate and the historical, economic, and social stagnation of the country of England.

And throughout the film, it is grim, and salvation is hard to find.


However, the mood changes dramatically towards the end when one of the few outdoor river scenes takes place.

It's a beautiful ending that foreshadows the changing world with the "river's current."

Perhaps what we have seen up to that point was an annual family play.

The atmosphere changes so much that it feels like such a mystery.

The Lion in Winter

Lion in winter - closing scene.flv

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