The Marriage of Figaro - Glyndebourne


今日は2022年にも公演されたフィガロの結婚を見ていきましょう。 このグラインドボーン・フェスティバル・オペラは、イギリスのイースト・サセックスにあるルイスの近くにあるイギリスのカントリー・ハウス、グラインドボーンで開催される毎年恒例のオペラ・フェスティバルです。クリスティー家の監督の下、フェスティバルは 1934 年から毎年開催されています。グラインドボーンはモーツァルト オペラの制作で特に有名です。グラインドボーンの参加者の多くはロンドンから来ており、このイベントは英国の夏のシーズンの一部と見なされています。公演は午後に始まり、ロンドン市民は昼食後に町を離れ、最終列車に間に合うように終了します。間隔が長いと、オペラファンは広大な芝生や敷地内のレストランでピクニック ディナーを楽しむことができます。毎年ロンドンのプロムスでオペラ公演を行っています。(English) Today we will look at The Marriage of Figaro, performed in the summer of 2022. Glyndebourne Festival Opera is an annual opera festival held at Glyndebourne, an English country house near Lewes, in East Sussex, England. Many Glyndebourne attendees come from London, and the event is regarded as part of the English summer season. Performances start in the afternoon, enabling Londoners to leave town after lunch, and finish in time to catch the last train back. A long interval allows opera-goers to have picnic dinners on the extensive lawns or in one of the restaurants on the grounds. Annually in London, the company presents an opera performance at The Proms.

The Marriage of Figaro

//Summary -Level-C2//

Set in 18th-century Seville, Figaro and Susanna's wedding day is disrupted by the Count's advances towards Susanna. Figaro devises a plan involving disguises, but it fails. Aunt Marcellina, who lent Figaro money, demands repayment. Eventually, Figaro is revealed as Marcellina and Bartolo's son. The wedding proceeds, but the Count still pursues Susanna—the Countess, disguised as Susanna, tricks the Count, who then apologizes. The story highlights mercy, warmth, and true love, depicting a beautiful world.

Opera Data

Composed by

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1785-86


May 1, 1786 Burgtheater, Vienna


Lorenzo da Ponte (Italian)

Based on the original work by

The Marriage of Figaro" by Pierre de Beaumarchais


Act 1, 45 min.

Act 2: 45 min.

Act 3: 40 min.

Act 4: 40 min. Total: approx. 2 hours 50 min.


Time and place. 

Seville, Spain, mid-18th century.


Count Almaviva (Br): Lord of the Manor

Countess (S): Count's wife

Susanna (S): Countess's maid

Figaro (Bs or Br): Count's valet

Cherubino (Ms): a boy who lives in the Count's house

Bartolo (Bs): the Count's doctor

Marcellina (Ms): the Count's maid

Basilio (T): music teacher at the Count's house

and others

Act 1

The setting is the 18th century, in the house of Count Almaviva in Seville, Spain.

The story is about the wedding day of Figaro, the Count's squire, and Susanna, the Countess's maid.

Figaro hears a surprising fact from Susanna.

The Count, the master of the couple, has been seducing Susanna with his minion, Basilio, a music teacher.

Figaro is furious and devises a plan to subdue the Count.

Act 2.

The strategy is to dress the Count's servant boy, Cherubino, in Susanna's clothes.

Then, when the Count tries to meet Susanna secretly at night, he surprises her by sending Kerbino to her.

The Countess, who knows what is going on, cooperates.

Susanna dresses the boy, Cherubino, as a woman.

The Earl suddenly appears there and causes chaos.

In the end, Figaro's plan fails.

Moreover, Aunt Marcellina, the maid who had lent Figaro money, arrives with Bartolo, the lawyer, and says, "If you don't pay back the debt, I'm not going to let you go.

The fate of Figaro and Susanna's marriage is now uncertain.

Act 3

However, a terrible fact comes to light.

Figaro was an abandoned child.

He was the result of a love affair between Aunt Marcellina and Bartolo, the lawyer when they were both young.

In other words, they were fathers, mothers, and sons.

These three, plus Susanna, hit it off perfectly.

Figaro and Susanna were able to hold their wedding without incident.

On the other hand, the Count is still trying to seduce Susanna.

The countess, unable to bear the sight, decides to put on Susanna's clothes and go to the scene of the secret meeting.

Act 4.

That night, in the backyard of the house.

The Count comes to the mansion's backyard, looking forward to seeing Susanna secretly.

He mistakes the Countess in Susanna's clothes for Susanna and whispers sweet nothings to her.

The evidence has now appeared.

The Countess reveals herself to the Count, who knows nothing about her.

The Count approaches her, thinking she is Susanna but is surprised to discover that she is his wife.

The Count was deeply sorry. The Countess warmly forgave him.


This is upper-class comedy. But her husband asks for forgiveness, and her wife agrees. 

Mercy, warmth, and true love are abundant. Mozart's music flows so beautifully there. 

Even if there is jealousy and loneliness, in the end, it's just a comedy and a beautiful world. 

I think Mozart is telling us how beautiful the world should be.

Mozart - Le nozze di Figaro act IV. finale - Harnoncourt (English subtitle)

Kiri Te Kanawa - The Marriage of Figaro Glyndebourne 1973

W.A. Mozart - Le Nozze di Figaro (1976) (part 1) (English subtitles)

W.A. Mozart - Le Nozze di Figaro (1976) (part 2) (English subtitles)

The Marriage of Figaro - Synopsis

The Marriage of Figaro - Wikipedia

Glyndebourne Festival Opera

Introducing... Le nozze di Figaro | Festival 2022

Le nozze di Figaro - first look | Glyndebourne

An Introduction to Glyndebourne

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