The Matrix
1999年にこの映画は米国で公開されました。全世界で4億6,000万ドル以上の興行収入を記録しています。また、アカデミー賞4部門(視覚効果賞、編集賞、音響賞、音響編集賞)などを受賞しました。史上最高のSF映画のひとつと考えられています。20年以上経った今もまだ新鮮な空気を感じることができます。そしてキアヌリーブスのなんて若くて素敵な姿を見ることができるなんて私たちは幸せです。(English) The film was released in the United States in 1999. It grossed over $460 million worldwide. It also won four Academy Awards, including Best Visual Effects, Best Editing, Best Sound, and Best Sound Editing. It is considered one of the greatest science fiction films of all time. More than 20 years later, it still feels like a breath of fresh air. And we are lucky to be still able to see how young and fantastic Keanu Reeves looks.
The Matrix
Thomas Anderson is a programmer at Meta-Cortex, a major software company.
However, Thomas has another face, that of "Neo," a genius hacker who commits computer crimes.
Thomas, who had been leading an ordinary life, was recently troubled by the feeling that he was dreaming even though he was awake.
He had a vague sense of discomfort:
"Maybe this world I'm living in now is a dream."
However, he spent his days without any proof to support this feeling.
One day, Thomas received the following mysterious message on his computer screen.
"Wake up, Neo."
"The Matrix has you."
"Follow the white rabbit."
Soon after, Thomas meets a mysterious woman who calls herself Trinity.
Thomas was introduced to Trinity's companion, Morpheus.
She told him, "This world you live in is a virtual reality created by a computer."
He was faced with the choice of either continuing to live in virtual reality or waking up in the real world.
Thomas, troubled by the discomfort of everyday life, chooses to wake up in the real world.
He swallows the red capsule given to him and goes into cardiac arrest.
At that moment, Thomas found himself trapped in a capsule resembling a culture fluid bathtub.
He then realizes that he is unable to move.
What Trinity and the others said was true.
In the real world, human society has collapsed due to a computer uprising.
The majority of humans were cultivated as energy sources for computers.
Thomas, who had awakened, was discarded as defective.
He was saved by Trinity and Morpheus, who was waiting for him.
Thomas was welcomed as a companion on the Nebuchadnezzar, a craft captained by Morpheus.
He was given the name "Neo," the name he had used as a hacker.
Morpheus believes Neo is the savior (The One) who will break the dominance of computers.
Morpheus trained Neo to learn how to use his body in virtual space and combat techniques such as kung-fu.
Neo became a member of the Human Resistance.
He went back and forth between virtual space and reality.
He then threw himself into the fight to free people from the control of computers.
He gains the trust of his friends and develops his talents.