The Merits and Demerits of Religion
潙山霊祐禅師(Zen Master Izan Reiyu)(八五三没)は、還俗を求められた。すると、何事もなかったように、俗人の帽子と衣服を身に着けて平然としていました。彼は、湖で渡し守となっていたと言われます。私はやはり、争わず、命を損なわず、禅僧たちの生き方に心が惹かれます。生きものの命を奪ってまで、お祀りすることはないというのです。これこそが、最も尊い禅の精神ではないでしょうか?(English) Zen Master Izan Reiyu (d. 853) was asked to return to secular life. Then, as if nothing had happened, he was calmly wearing an ordinary hat and clothes. He is said to have been a ferryman at the lake. I am still fascinated by way of life of Zen monks, who do not fight and do not lose their lives. They said they would not enshrine a living being by taking its life. Isn't this the most precious spirit of Zen?
No. 581 "The Merits and Demerits of Religion - Part 4" 10/8/2022 [Daily Diary and Breath Meditation of the abbot] Enkaku Temple - Master Yokota
When we think about the merits and demerits of religion, we have to think about 'religious wars.'
The Japanese dictionary describes what a religious war is as follows.
"Wars are resulting from religious conflicts.
Especially in Europe, after the Reformation, it was a violent war between Catholics and Protestants, involving political and economic interests.
Huguenot War, Thirty Years' War, etc."
The Huguenot is described as.
"Common name for the French Calvinists of the 16th-18th centuries.
Government repression and conflicts with Catholicism resulted in the Huguenot (religious) Wars (1562-98, eight before and after).
The Edict of Nantes of Henri IV in 1598 granted freedom of religion.
However, Louis XIV revoked it in 1685, and many went into exile in Germany and elsewhere.
The Revolution of 1789 gave them equal rights with Catholics."
The 'Thirty Years' War' is described as.
"A war fought in Germany during the 30 years 1618-48.
It was influenced by international hostility between the Habsburg and Bourbon families.
There was also a background of feuds between Germany's Protestants and Catholics.
It broke out in Bohemia due to the emperor's policy of Catholicisation.
Protestant states Denmark and Sweden, and later Catholic France, joined the war.
It ended with the Treaty of Westphalia.
It resulted in the independence of Switzerland and the Netherlands, the loss of imperial power, the devastation of the German lands and internal divisions."
There are also religious wars in the East countries.
In this case, it is not an inter-religious war but a political-religious conflict.
The white lotus rebellion was in the Qing dynasty of China.
According to the Dictionary of Buddhism, White Lotus Buddhism is as follows.
'It was founded in China by Ji Shougen (birth year unknown - 1166) of the Southern Song dynasty.'
It is a popular Buddhism that stands for Pure Land beliefs.
It was initiated in the Eastern Jin dynasty in admiration of the white lotus
It is a nembutsu association formed by Eon of Rozan.
The practice of the five precepts (e.g., prohibition of alcohol and meat based on the precept of killing) was strictly demanded.
It led to a rebellion during the Qing dynasty, which was finally suppressed.
In Japan, there were also monk soldiers.
Hieizan and others became armed.
Eventually, they were burnt down by Oda Nobunaga.
There were probably many reasons for this.
The battle between Oda Nobunaga and Ishiyama Hongan Temple is also well known.
It took place between 1570 and 1580.
It is difficult to say which side was at fault in this too.
However, the Honganji had become an armed force.
There are differences between cases of conflict within the same religion and political and religious battles.
It isn't easy to discuss them in general.
But there is no doubt that it is a war involving religion.
A faith that perseveres in the face of war may be praised as precious.
However, I am struck by the words of Sakamura Shinmin: "If faith is the seed of conflict, it is better to throw it away."
When studying the history of Zen, during the Tang dynasty, when Zen flourished, there was significant suppression of Buddhism by Emperor Wuzong.
It was in 844 AD.
The Buddhist community at that time suffered a devastating blow.
Zen Master Izan Reiyu (d. 853) was asked to return to the secular world.
Then, without a second thought, he donned the hat and clothes of a layman and remained unconcerned.
It said that he was a ferryman on the lake.
I am fascinated by the appearance of these Zen monks.
There is also a story in Hekiganroku about a monk named Hasouda master.
* Blue Cliff Record; Biyan Lu (collection of Zen Buddhist koans compiled in China during the Song Dynasty)
In the Hekiganroku, there is a story about the monk Hasouda, who is neither called by his family name nor by his name and whose words and deeds are unknown.
One day, he led his disciples into a mountain village, where they found a mausoleum with a spiritual significance.
Inside the building, a single kitchen stove (called Kamado) was enshrined.
Rituals of people from far and near never ceased.
The lives of living beings were often boiled and killed (for offerings).
When the master entered the temple, he struck the stove three times with his staff and said.
Wherefore you boil and kill living beings when you are originally made of bricks and clay?
After another three strikes, the hearth naturally tilted, collapsed, and broke.
After a while, a man dressed in blue and wearing a high crown suddenly appeared before the master, bowed, and said: 'I am the God of the Hearth.
For a long time, I have received rewards for the karma I created.
But today, you have taught me the Dharma of neither life nor death.
I left this place and was born in the heavenly world.
So I have come here to express my gratitude.
The teacher said: 'It is your original nature, not something I have forced you to say.
God worshipped once more and disappeared."
Worshipping the hearth may be a religion.
However, they say that we do not worship by taking the life of a living being.
Religion has undoubtedly been a remarkable aspect that has given great strength to these weak people.
However, there is also the fact that history has shown that faith has led to conflict.
It is essential to study the merits and demerits carefully.
After learning well, we must have our faith.
I am still attracted to the way of life of the Zen monks, who do not fight, and who do not compromise the lives of others.
No. 581 "The Merits and Demerits of Religion - Part 4" 10/8/2022 [Daily Diary and Breath Meditation of the abbot] Enkaku Temple - Master Yokota