The Russia House - Sean Connery Movie (1990)


モスクワを訪れている間、英国の出版社バーリー・ブレア (ショーン・コネリー) は、ソ連の核ミサイル能力を詳述した原稿を知った。英国の諜報機関と CIA は、この本に重要な情報が含まれていると考えており、その編集者であるカティア オルロバ (ミシェル ファイファー) を調査するためにブレアを採用しています。ブレアが原稿の出所を知り、ロシアの軍事機密を発見すると、彼はカティアに恋をし、彼女の家族を守るために戦う。(English) While visiting Moscow, British publisher Barley Blair (Sean Connery) learns of a manuscript detailing the Soviet Union's nuclear missile capabilities. British intelligence and the CIA consider the book to contain crucial information and recruit Blair to investigate its editor, Katya Orlova (Michelle Pfeiffer). As Blair learns the manuscript's origin and discovers Russian military secrets, he falls in love with Katya and fights to protect her family.

The Russia House  - Sean Connery Movie (1990) 


At the British Audio Fair held in Moscow, the Soviet Union, under perestroika, Landau, a salesman, sent three notebooks from a Russian woman named Katya to Barley Blair, the president of a British publishing company.

The notebook detailed severe flaws in the Soviet nuclear weapons system that could throw the balance of power between East and West into disarray. But, unfortunately, the notebook falls into the hands of the British Intelligence Service, Russia House, and Burley is questioned. It is because he once had a relationship with a writer named "Dante" in a writer's village in the Soviet Union.

Barley, who was made to be a spy on a whim, travels to the Soviet Union, contacts Katya, and meets Dante again. Still, he gets involved in a three-way spy war between Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union in which the CIA and KGB also participate.

Meanwhile, a love that transcends borders and political speculations is growing between Barley and Katya.

Director: Fred Schepisi

Genre: Crime/Thriller

Year: 1990

Running time: 123 minutes

Territory: Worldwide

Studio: MGM

Cast: Michelle Pfeiffer, Sean Connery

The Russia House is a 1990 American spy film directed by Fred Schepisi and starring Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer. Tom Stoppard wrote the screenplay, based on John le Carré's 1989 novel of the same name. It was the first US film to be shot mainly on location in the Soviet Union.



Bartholomew "Mr Barley" Scott-Blair (Sean Connery), a British publishing house head, arrives in Moscow on business. At a writers' retreat near Peredelkino, he speaks of ending tensions with the West. However, he is overheard by the mysterious "Dante" (Klaus Maria Brandauer), who demands that Mr Barley promise to do the right thing if the opportunity arises.


A few months later, unable to locate Mr Barley at a trade fair, a young Soviet named Katya Orlova (Michelle Pfeiffer) asks publisher Nicky Landau (Nicholas Woodeson) to give Mr Barley a manuscript. Landau looks at it and hands it over to the British government. The manuscript details the Soviet Union's ability to wage nuclear war. An investigation reveals that "Dante" is renowned Soviet physicist Yakov Efraimovich Saveleyev, the manuscript's author.


British intelligence officers track Mr Barley to his holiday apartment in Lisbon and interrogate him about his links to Katya but realise he knows as little as they do. MI6 realises that the manuscript is also vital to the CIA, and both agencies seek Mr Barley to work on their behalf. British agent Ned (James Fox) gives Mr Barley some basic training as a spy.


Mr Barley returns to the Soviet Union to locate Dante and confirm that he is a genuine informant. He meets Katya and is immediately smitten. Through her, he ensures that Dante is indeed Saveleyev and denies to Katya that he is a spy.


The British carry out the first phase of the operation, briefing the CIA on their findings. The CIA team, led by Russell (Roy Scheider), is concerned by the manuscript's description of the Soviet nuclear missile programme in complete disarray, suggesting that the United States is engaged in a pointless arms race.


Katya arranges a meeting with Yakov, going to great lengths to avoid being followed. Mr Barley explains that the manuscript is in the hands of British and American authorities. Yakov feels betrayed, but Mr Barley convinces him that the manuscript can still be published. After assuring Yakov that he is sympathetic to the scientist's cause, he is given another volume.


Impressed by the additional volume, Russell's boss Brady (John Mahoney) and US military officer Quinn (J. T. Walsh) interrogate Mr Barley to ensure his loyalty. Russell explains that he would help the British operation without a genuine ideological belief in glasnost. However, this would not be good news for his "clients" in the arms industry, who need an arms race for continued prosperity.


Convinced of the veracity of the manuscripts, the CIA and MI6 draw up a 'shopping list' of questions to extract as much strategic warfare information as Dante can provide. "Russia House" handler Ned senses something is amiss with Mr Barley, but the British-American team goes ahead with their plans.


Mr Barley returns to the Soviet Union and declares his love for Katya, admitting he is an agent. Katya confesses that Yakov is not acting like himself and fears he may be under KGB surveillance or control. She gives Mr Barley Yakov's address in Moscow.


Under complete British and American surveillance, Mr Barley takes the shopping list to Yakov's apartment. Ned suddenly concludes that the Soviets know all about the operation and will steal the list to find out what the British and Americans know and is convinced that Mr Barley has made a deal to hand the questions over to the KGB. Russell disagrees and orders the mission to proceed as planned. The meeting with Yakov is expected to be brief, but after seven hours, Russell admits he was wrong. The team must now pretend that the questions were deliberately false.


Mr Barley sends a message to Ned explaining that during a pre-arranged phone call to Katya, Dante used a code word to tell her that the KGB had compromised him and that her life was in danger. Mr Barley admits that he traded the shopping list to the Soviets to release Katya and her family to the West. He admits his actions may have been unfair but tells Ned: "You shouldn't open other people's letters."


Ned visits Mr Barley, who has returned to his flat in Lisbon to wait for Katya. When her ship arrives, Mr Barley greets Katya and her family at the docks, ready to start a new life with them.

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From the Bell Tower scene (48:20)

Katya) He is not like a scientist, like an artist.

"Barley" Scott-Blair) So you loved him?

Katya) He was my first lover.

It was the same night. The tank came in Plaha.

That was no innocence anywhere.

Yakov said that innocence was an illusion.

And a few weeks later, he returned to the military.

I didn't talk with him in many years.

Until last year.

He changed when he met a British publisher who spoke his heart.

The next day, he called me.

He had decided to want he must do.

He needed my help.

Barley) Is he alone in this?

Does he with anyone else?

Katya) No.

Barley) And he has drinking friends?

Katya) No.

Barley) How can you be so sure?

Katya) Because I am confident that his thought is completely alone.

Barley) Are you happy with him?

Katya) Please?

Barley) I mean that, do you like him as he loves you?

Does he make you laugh?

Katya) I believe that Yakov is a great and essential man who is trying to restore himself and cannot survive without me.

The Russia House

The Russia House Official Trailer #1 - Sean Connery Movie (1990) HD


The Russia House

The Russian House (1990) in Lisbon

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