The Shoe That Grows Along with a Child's Feet


Shoe That Grows は 5 つのサイズ展開があり、何年も長持ちし、貧困の影響を受けている子供たちのために作られています。 400,000 足を超える当社の靴が世界中の子供たちとその家族に届けられました。(English) The Shoe That Grows expands five sizes and lasts for years, built for kids impacted by poverty. Over 400,000 pairs of our shoes have gone to kids and families worldwide.

The Shoe That Grows Along with a Child's Feet

Toddlers need new shoes as often as three to four times a year as their feet grow; at least more significant kids will need them once or twice a year. And buying all those shoes can be difficult for families that don't have a lot of money.

Kenton Lee was working in an orphanage in Kenya when he saw a little girl whose shoes were so small that they had ripped, and her toes were sticking out.

He said this gave him the idea of creating a shoe that can adjust to a child's growing feet.

So he designed The Shoe That Grows. The shoe, which looks like a sandal, uses different straps to grow to five sizes.

And they're durable — the organization Lee founded, Because International, says that Lee himself has worn the same pair for nearly four years.

Over 380,000 pairs of shoes have now been given to kids and families worldwide.

Speaking to Mon Quotidien in 2018, Lee said that children with the wrong shoes are likely to fall, leading to them getting injured or diseases from the dirty ground.

And he said that some kids aren't allowed to go to school if they don't have good shoes.

"It is also incredible to see how children become more confident wearing nice shoes," he added.

The shoe won a Patents for Humanity award from the US Patent and Trademark Office in 2018.

And since 2019, all the shoes have been made in Mombasa, Kenya, creating jobs locally.

People can give money to Because International, which promises to provide one pair of shoes to a family for every $20 it receives.

If you'd like your pair, they are also sold by the company GroFive as "Expandals" — for $40 per pair.


Toddler = a young child between the ages of one and three

The daycare centre provides a safe and stimulating environment for infants and toddlers.

Orphanage = an organization where children without parents are taken care of

Angelina Jolie adopted her first child from an orphanage in Cambodia.

Rip = to tear something quickly and violently or to become torn

With pure excitement on his face, Jimmy ripped open his Christmas present.

Durable = able to handle or deal with lots of use, damage, etc.

If you plan on hiking often, you should invest in comfortable, durable shoes.


1. What are your thoughts on the Shoe That Grows?


I think it's an excellent idea.

A child's feet grow quickly.

However, whether it is small or large, it isn't easy to walk.

I think it should have been introduced earlier.

2. Would you be interested in buying a pair of Expandals?


I'm interested if it helps someone.

However, sometimes Japanese credit cards take a long time to be approved or are not supported when paying foreign companies.

I want to cooperate if I can pay with peace of mind.

3. Which of your shoes have you had the longest? How often do you wear them?


Maybe ten years or so.

It was high-end high heels.

They were nice shoes for the stage.

I had black and silver shoes, which I think I wear once a year.

4. When was the last time you bought new shoes? Are you happy with them?


I bought new shoes last year.

Yes, I am satisfied.

I had bunions.

The shoes are comfortable on your feet and won't hurt when you walk.

5. Do you have a favourite brand of shoes? Why do you like them?


I like Nike, New Balance, and Asics.

These are athletic shoes, but they are designed to be easy on bunions.

//Further Discussion//

6. Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? Do you ever buy them online?


Yes, I don't hate it.

However, I don't buy clothes unless I plan to go out.

I often buy clothes when I go to a concert, eat with my parents, or go on a trip with friends.

Yes, I buy clothes online, but I prefer shopping in physical stores.

I like trying on clothes and discussing the coordination with the store staff before purchasing.

7. How would you describe your clothing style? Has it changed over the years?


I like simple and comfortable clothes.

I like off-white, grey and brown.

However, pretty colours such as blue, pink and green are also better.

The style hasn't changed in the last few years.

8. Where would you go if you were given $1,000 to spend in one clothing store?


I want to go to a Dolce&Gabbana store.

Because I like lovely dresses with floral patterns.

9. What do you do with clothes and shoes you no longer plan on wearing?


If it's Uniqlo clothes, take it to the store and put it in the collection box.

If it is a small item that is likely to sell, I go to a reuse store to sell it.

However, other clothes and damaged clothes are often thrown away.

10. A shoe is not only a design but also a part of your body language. — Christian Louboutin. What do you make of this statement?


Yes, I agree.

Because clothes express how you feel and how you are.

I naturally choose clothes according to my mood, whether the place is for business, leisure, or relaxation.

The Shoe That Grows Along with a Child's Feet

The Shoe That Grows: How it Works

The Shoe That Grows expands five sizes and lasts for years, built for kids impacted by poverty. Over 400,000 pairs of our shoes have gone to kids and families worldwide.

The shoe that grows expands five sizes and lasts for years built for kids impacted by poverty.

Over three hundred thousand pairs of our shoes have gone to kids and families worldwide.

Here's how the shoe works designed for comfort and durability, the shoe that grows is made of a synthetic leather upper and a multi-layer Rubber Sole.

The shoe materials are washable and long-lasting, with no mechanical gears or parts to break to expand the shoe.

Adjust the hook and loop system along the top. Each shoe can be adjusted to five different sizes.

Velcro straps adjust along the back sides and top in six places to create a custom fit and comfort for many children. Black shoes are the only colour.

Allowed by school dress codes, we produce a shoe that grows in Black so kids can wear them for all aspects of their lives, including school.

The Shoe that Grows protects the health and well-being of kids worldwide so they can access education and opportunities for empowerment to learn more about sending or taking the Shoe that Grows to kids worldwide.

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