The Tempest - Shakespeare
シェイクスピアの後期の四作品をとくにロマンス劇と呼ぶことがあります。家族の離散と再会、罪の償い、和解、許しなどが共通のモチーフとなっており、「テンペスト」でも同様のテーマが盛り込まれています。【あらすじ】12年前、弟アントーニオの謀略によってミラノ大公の地位を奪われて失脚し、幼い娘ミランダとともにある島に流れ着いたプロスペロー。彼はある日復讐のために魔術を使って嵐を起こし、アントーニオとナポリ王アロンゾーら一行の船を難破させてこの島におびき寄せます。彼はアロンゾーと離ればなれになった王子ファーディナンドと娘ミランダが恋に陥るように仕向けます。島の別の場所では、アントーニオと弟セバスチャンによるアロンゾー殺害の陰謀や奴隷キャリヴァンのプロスペローへの反乱が企てられますが、彼は右腕である空気の妖精エアリエルを使い、事前に阻止します。かつての仇敵たちを翻弄し懲らしめていくプロスペローでしたが、やがて復讐のむなしさに気づき、彼らの罪を許す決意をするのです。そして最後にミラノ大公の姿で彼らの前に現れ和解します。アロンゾー親子の再会、ファーディナンドとミランダとの結婚も実現し、プロスペローは魔法の衣を脱ぎ捨てて自由の身になり、ミラノでの生活へ戻る決意を語ります。(Englsh) Shakespeare's four late plays are sometimes explicitly referred to as romance plays. Family separation and reunion, atonement for sins, reconciliation, and forgiveness are common motifs, and "The Tempest" incorporates similar themes. [Synopsis] Twelve years ago, Prospero lost his position as Grand Duke of Milan due to a plot by his brother Antonio and washed up on an island with his young daughter Miranda. One day, in revenge, he uses magic to create a storm that wrecks the ship of Antonio, King Alonzo of Naples, and his party and lures them to the island. He sets up Prince Ferdinand and his daughter Miranda to fall in love with Alonzo, who has been separated from him. Elsewhere on the island, Antonio and his brother Sebastian plot to kill Alonzo and the enslaved person Caliban's rebellion against Prospero, but he uses his right-hand man, the air nymph Aeriel, to stop them before they get there. Prospero plays with and punishes his former enemies, but he soon realizes the futility of revenge and decides to forgive them for their crimes. Finally, Prospero appears before them as the Grand Duke of Milan and reconciles with them. Alonzo and his son are reunited, Ferdinand and Miranda are married, and Prospero is free to cast off his magical robe and return to his life in Milan.
The Tempest synopsis
The Tempest is a comedy by the English playwright Shakespeare.
One of a group of plays usually referred to as "romance plays.
They first performed at the Court on November 1, 1611.
It was his last work as a stand-alone play. He was published in 1623.
Prospero, who has lost the Duchy of Milan to his wicked brother Antonio, lives with his daughter Miranda on an isolated island, where magic wrecks a ship carrying his brother, King Alonzo of Naples, and others.
They drift ashore on the island, where Ferdinando, Alonzo's son, falls in love with Miranda.
Since she had only ever seen her father and his servant, the monstrous Caliban, as men, she has fallen in love with a third man.
He endures the rigorous trials imposed by Prospero and is allowed to marry her.
Antonio is also forgiven his crime on the condition that he returns the ducal estate.
Prospero folds his magic wand, releases the fairy Aeriel, who has been his servant for so long and returns home with the family.
This is Shakespeare's only play that adheres to the so-called "Three Laws of Unity" of Classicism, which insists on the unity of time, place, and plot.
Some critics have suggested that the author entrusted Prospero with his retirement from the world of drama because it was his last play as a stand-alone work.
Still, the theme of reconciliation common to Shakespeare's plays in his later years is prominent.
Prospero - the rightful Duke of Milan
Miranda - daughter to Prospero
Ariel - a spirit in service to Prospero
Caliban - a servant of Prospero and a savage monster
Alonso - King of Naples
Sebastian - Alonso's brother
Antonio - Prospero's brother, the usurping Duke of Milan
Ferdinand - Alonso's son
Gonzalo - an honest old councilor
Adrian - a lord serving under Alonso
Francisco - a lord, operating under Alonso
Trinculo - the King's jester
Stephano - the King's drunken butler
Juno - the Roman goddess of marriage
Ceres - Roman goddess of agriculture
Iris - Greek goddess of the sea and sky
Master - master of the ship
Boatswain - servant of the master
Nymphs, Reapers
Twelve years before the play's action, Prospero, formerly Duke of Milan, had been usurped by his treacherous brother Antonio, aided by Alonso, King of Naples.
Escaping by boat with his infant daughter Miranda, Prospero fled to an island where he has been living ever since, using his magical powers to keep the island's only inhabitant, Caliban, as an enslaved person and a local spirit, Ariel as a servant.
When a ship carrying his brother Antonio passes nearby, Prospero conjures up a storm, and the boat is destroyed.
Antonio is shipwrecked, along with Alonso, his son Ferdinand, his brother Sebastian, and the excellent courtier Gonzalo.
Prospero is determined to regain his dukedom. So, using magic, he separates the shipwreck survivors into groups on the island:
Ferdinand, who Prospero and Miranda find.
It is part of Prospero's plan to encourage a romantic relationship between Ferdinand and Miranda, and they fall in love.
Trinculo, the King's jester, and Stephano, the King's drunken butler, are found by Caliban.
These three will raise an unsuccessful coup against Prospero, acting as the play's comic relief' by doing so.
Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, and two attendant lords (Adrian and Francisco).
Antonio and Sebastian conspire to kill Alonso and Gonzalo so Sebastian can become King; at Prospero's command, Ariel thwarts this conspiracy.
Later, Ariel, in the guise of a Harpy, confronts the three nobles (Antonio, Alonso, and Sebastian), causing them to flee in guilt for their crimes against Prospero and each other.
The ship's captain and boatswain, along with the other sailors, are asleep until the final act.
Prospero intends that Miranda, now aged 15, will marry Ferdinand, and he instructs Ariel to bring some other spirits and produce a masque.
The masque will feature classical goddesses Juno, Ceres, and Iris and bless and celebrate the wedding.
The masque will also instruct the young couple on marriage and the value of virtue until then.
The masque is suddenly interrupted when Prospero realizes he has forgotten the plot against his life.
He orders Ariel to deal with this.
Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano are chased off into the swamps by goblins in the shape of hounds.
Prospero vows that once he achieves his goals, he will set Ariel free and abandon his magic, saying:
I'll break my staff,
Bury it certain fathoms in the earth,
And deeper than did ever plummet sound
I'll drown my book.
Ariel brings on Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian. Prospero forgives all three. Prospero's former title, Duke of Milan, is restored.
Ariel fetches the sailors from the ship, then Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano.
Caliban, seemingly filled with regret, promises to be good.
Stephano and Trinculo are ridiculed and sent away in shame by Prospero.
Before the reunited group (all the noble characters plus Miranda and Prospero) leave the island, Ariel is instructed to provide good weather to guide the King's ship back to the royal fleet and then to Naples, where Ferdinand and Miranda will be married.
After this, Ariel is set free.
In an epilogue, Prospero requests the audience to set him free with applause.
The Tempest
Richard Burton, Maurice Evans, Lee Remick & Roddy McDowall star in this 1960 television production of Shakespeare's classic.
The Tempest - Wikipedia
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