The ultimate guide to Cockney rhyming slang
「リンゴと洋ナシ」から「泣き叫び 」まで、コックニーの韻を踏んだスラングのAtoZと、イーストエンドの最も有名な言語に隠された意味を紹介します。ライミング・スラングとは、英語のスラングの一形態である。19世紀初頭にロンドンのイーストエンドで初めて使われたことから、コックニー・ライミング・スラングと呼ばれるようになりました。(English) From 'apples and pears' to 'weep and wail', an A to Z of Cockney rhyming slang and the meanings behind the East End's most famous linguistic export. Rhyming slang is a form of slang word construction in the English language. It is widespread among Cockneys in England and was first used in the East End of London in the early 19th century, hence its alternative name, Cockney rhyming slang.
The ultimate guide to Cockney rhyming slang
From 'apples and pears' to 'weep and wail', an A to Z of Cockney rhyming slang and the meanings behind the East End's most famous linguistic export.
Rhyming slang is a form of slang word construction in the English language. It is widespread among Cockneys in England and was first used in the East End of London in the early 19th century, hence its alternative name, Cockney rhyming slang.
Many of us know that "brown bread" is Cockney rhyming slang for dead, "china plate" for a mate and "bubble bath" for a laugh. But how many of us know what they mean? The historic native wit of this East End community (and its followers from around the world) often has an interesting logic to its phrases. Rather than a simple rhyming association, the slang reflects the expressions' meaning. Here's a guide to the most common Cockney rhyming slang:
"Apples and pears" (stairs)
To Cockney, the phrase "steps and stairs" describes the idea of gradation. Every good greengrocer is skilled at displaying the front of his stall. The selected samples of fruit and vegetables are expertly graded in "steps and stairs". Apples and pears, when in season, are standard on every cart and, when polished, make a striking display.
"Army and Navy" (gravy)
As gravy was abundant at mealtimes in both services.
"Basin of gravy" (baby)
Suggestive of the softness of the food with which babies were fed.
"Bees and honey" (money)
As bees are the epitome of work, work produces money, the possession of which is sweet.
"Borrow and beg" (egg)
A term that was revived during the Second World War and food rationing.
"Bottle and stopper" (copper)
Policeman. A possible pair of inferences: to bottle means to enclose, and a stopper means someone who stops another from doing something.
"Box of toys" (Noise)
Because a box of toys, especially a new one given at Christmas, makes a lot of noise.
"Can't keep still" (treadmill)
Because people sentenced to this 19th-century punishment could not stand still for a second.
"Clever mike" (bicycle)
They were influenced by the extreme performances that young people tend to give on a bike, especially when showing off.
"Coal and coke" (broken)
Coal and coke used to be delivered in large blocks that had to be broken up before use.
"Coat and badge" (cadge)
They are sometimes known as "Doggetts" as watermen with the Doggett coat and badge could charge higher rates than those without.
"Collar and cuff" (puff)
He was an effeminate man, suggestive either by his neat dress or by his "powder puff".
"Cop a flower pot" (cop it hot)
To get into serious trouble. They were suggested by the effect of a flower pot falling from a window above onto someone below.
"Crowded space" (suitcase)
Often stolen in crowded railway stations during the holiday season.
"Cut and carried" (married)
It applies only to a woman cut off from parental support and carried (provided for) by her husband.
"Cuts and scratches" (matches)
Many imported safety matches were of poor quality and often failed to ignite when scratched against the side of the box.
"Day's a-dawning" (morning)
A term often used by people who work at night.
"Derry and Toms" (bombs)
Refers not only to the famous London shop but to "derry", as in "have a derry on", meaning to dislike, from "down on", meaning prejudiced against, from Derry Down in Ireland.
"Didn't ought" (port)
The drink. Based on the pleading of ladies who, when asked to "have another", replied that they "didn't ought".
"Do me good/s" (wood/s)
Short for Woodbine cigarettes, which indirectly helped win the First World War.
"Duck and dive" (hide)
A duck is hidden under the surface of a pond when diving, and to duck is to avoid a blow by making a quick drop.
"Dustbin lids" (children)
Used when children have made a lot of mess.
"Early hours" (flowers)
Because flower buyers have to get up very early to buy their produce at the Covent Garden flower market.
"Fisherman's Daughter" (water)
Because water is part of the fisherman's landscape.
"Gay and hearty" (a party)
Describes how a social gathering should be.
"Give and take" (cake)
Because no cake can be eaten unless it has been given (by a shopkeeper) and taken. The cake also means money, as in "a cake of notes", which must be provided and accepted.
"Helter-skelter" (an air-raid shelter)
Refers to the speed required to run to such a shelter and the fact that they were often underground.
"In and out" (snout)
As in the nose through which people breathe in and out.
"Light and Dark" (Park)
Refers to the London County Council notice that a bell is rung and the gates are locked at dusk.
"Lion's den" (chair)
Referring to the risk of disturbing the head of the household as he took his afternoon nap in an armchair "of a Sunday".
"Loop the loop" (soup)
Refers to a late-19th-century act of daring in which a performer, strapped to a wheel, whizzed around a looped track.
"Lump of ice" (advice)
Advice that can sometimes be cold comfort.
"Lump of lead" (the head)
A reference to the morning after the night before.
"Lump of school" (fool)
The stallholders felt that the sooner the boy stopped reading books and started gaining practical experience, the better.
"Merry-go-round" (Pounds)
In the sense of the pound. Refers to the saying that "money was made to go round".
"Mozzle and brocha" (on the knocker)
Yiddish words for good luck and good health refer to the door-to-door salesman profession (these are two of his six requirements, the other four being good looks, temperament, voice and manners).
"Near and far" (bar)
"so near and yet so far" refers to a busy pub with a crowd of waiting customers.
"Oily rag" (a cigarette)
It means a cigarette and refers to its dirty state when smokers are employed in a messy job.
"On the floor" (poor)
Used by temporarily destitute housewives.
"Once a week" (beak)
A magistrate. In heady days, many saw the "beak" once a week due to excessive partying on a Saturday night.
"Penny-come-quick" (a trick)
A trick of confidence which, if successful, made easy money.
"Pig and roast" (toast)
This a cynical reference to the standard bog menu of the average mess for the "other ranks".
"Pimple and blotch" (Scotch)
Where prolonged indulgence can have a considerable effect on the skin.
"Pleasure and pain" (rain)
Both a pleasure for gardeners and a pain for rheumatism sufferers.
"Rank and wealth" (breeches)
We were riding breeches worn in the 19th century by those with either wealth or title.
"Rats and Mice" (dice)
The appearance of the dice is similar to that of rodents running.
"Rattle and clank (bank)
Suggests the busy handling of coins.
"Scotch mist" (pissed)
The association is very apt.
"Stand to attention" (pension)
As in that of a long-serving, retired soldier.
"Satin and silk" (milk)
Suggestive of its smoothness.
"Short of a sheet" (on the street)
Suggests a situation of poverty and, therefore, lack of a bed.
"Sugar bowl" (a marble mason)
The appearance of rough white marble resembles a lump of sugar, and being a soft stone (when freshly quarried), it is easy (i.e. sweet) to work.
"Tick tack" (the track)
A horseracing term referring to the "tic-tac" signals made by bookmakers.
"True till death" (the breath)
A very apt association.
"Tumble down the sink". (drink)
A very apt association.
"Weep and wail" (a story)
They only used a beggar's tale.
"Yet to be" (free)
In the sense of both without cost, implying a part of the excellent time to come, and without restraint, as in release from prison. It is easy (i.e. sweet) to work with.
The ultimate guide to Cockney rhyming slang
Guide to Cockney Rhyming Slang
Cockney rhyming slang
Apple and Pears=stairs
Look at your Boat Race=Face
Crust of bread=Head
Rabbit and pork=Talk
My old china plate=Mate
Plates of meat=feet
(What a) Raspberry Tart!=blowing a fart
Skin and blister=sister
Tea leaf=thief
Elephant's trunk=Drunk
Trouble and strief=wife