The world of kana calligraphy


ここには美しい仮名文字があります。There are beautiful kana characters here.

The world of kana calligraphy - Traditional Japanese culture and arts

奥山に(Okuyama ni)

紅葉ふみわけ(Momiji fumiwake)

鳴く鹿の(Kiku shika no)

声聞く時ぞ(Koe kiku tokizo)

秋は悲しき(Aki ha kanashiki)

How forlorn the autumn.

Rustling through the leaves,

going deep into the mountains,

I hear the lonely deer

belling for his doe.

The world of kana calligraphy - Traditional Japanese culture and arts


Autumn deer calls Poem no. 5.

When I hear the voice

of the stag crying for his mate

stepping through the fallen leaves

deep in the mountains - this is the time

that autumn is the saddest.

Translated by Dr. Joshua Mostow

The poem was composed by one mysterious figure named Sarumaru, whom we know nothing about. Even in the kokinshū where this poem is first found, it is listed as anonymous, according to Professor Mostow, but seems to have been composed for a poetry contest in 893 hosted by Prince Koresada. Whoever Sarumaru was, though, it earned him a place among the Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry.

Mostow explains that this poem is surprisingly tricky to interpret: who is walking through the leaves, the deer or the author?

Speaking of deer, deer have been an integral part of Japanese poetry since early times. This and poem 83 show how the deer's cry is a famous poetic symbol of sadness or melancholy.


The Origin of Hiragana - Japanese Handwriting

I wrote down the origins of the alphabet.

I wrote the alphabet in hieroglyphics (ancient Egyptian script).

I wrote down the origins of five Chinese characters.

 The first time I tried to write "block, line, cursive, clerical and seal scripts" in five different styles of calligraphy [calligraphy].

Anyone can learn to write beautifully in hiragana just by looking at it for three minutes.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Japanese Calligraphy

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