Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh Excerpt - Powerful
ティク・ナット・ハン(1926年10月11日 - 2022年1月22日)は、ベトナムの禅僧、平和・人権活動家、学者、詩人です。ダライ・ラマ14世と並び、20世紀以降の仏教の平和活動家の第一人者であり、Buddhism in ActionまたはEngage Buddhismの提唱者です。特にアメリカやフランスで仏教やマインドフルネスの普及活動を積極的に行っていました。今日は彼の言葉に耳を傾けてみましょう。(English) Thich Nhat Hanh (11 Oct. 1926 - 22 Jan. 2022) was a Vietnamese Zen monk, peace and human rights activist, scholar, and poet. Along with the 14th Dalai Lama, he has been a leading Buddhist peace activist since the 20th century and is the nominator of Buddhism in Action or Engaged Buddhism. In addition, he actively promotes Buddhism and mindfulness, particularly in the USA and France. Let us listen to what he has to say today.
[Super Soul Sunday. Conversation with Thich Nhat Hanh]
Here is the full version of this interview:
Overview: Truly insightful, deep, and powerful. Through the incredible OWN network, Oprah Winfrey talks to Thich Nhat Hanh about becoming a monk, meeting Martin Luther King Jr, The powers of mindfulness, insight, concentration, and compassion, How to transform warring parties, and how to profoundly change relationships.
Check out the Plum Village app for more insights, wisdom, and guided meditations offered by Thich Nhat Hanh and the monastic sangha:
Today, learn especially about the mantra at the end of the interview.
As I understand it, Buddhism's essence is that we all believe that we are pure and radiant at our core.
Yet we see so much evidence of this all around us!
That people are not acting out of purity or radiance.
How do you reconcile that?
Happiness and suffering support each other and are interrelated.
They are like the left and the right.
If the left is not there, the right cannot be there.
So the same can be said about suffering and happiness.
Good and evil are interrelated.
Everyone has a good seed and a bad seed.
That is the very nature of human beings.
There is a lotus that is born out of the mud.
Mud is needed to produce a lotus.
You cannot grow a lotus on marble.
It needs to grow on mud.
So suffering is like mud.
You must be able to use it to grow the flower of understanding and love.
Do you meditate every day?
I do not only every day but every moment.
That moment while drinking, we are talking, writing, and watering our gardens.
The practice of living in the here and now is always possible.
That is what we call meditation.
But have you ever sat in silence and chanted or recited a mantra?
Yes, we have. We sit alone, and we sit together.
The more people we sit with, the better.
Collective energy is beneficial.
I want to talk about the mantras I just mentioned.
The first mantra is "Darling. I am here for you."
When you love someone, the best thing you can offer them is your presence.
"How can I love you if you are not there?"
A lovely mantra: "Darling, I am here for you."
You look into his eyes and say.
"Darling, do you know something? I am here for you."
You offer them your presence.
It is your actual presence.
You are not preoccupied with the past, the future, or other projects.
You are for your beloved.
The second mantra is: "Darling, I know you are there. I am so happy."
Recognize the presence of your beloved because you are there as something precious.
You recognize it with mindfulness and embrace your loved one with mindfulness.
Then they bloom like a flower.
To be loved is to be recognized for existence.
These two mantras can bring immediate happiness.
Even if your beloved one is not there, you can use your telephone and practice the mantra.
Darling, I am here for you. But, Darling, I know you are there.
The third mantra is the one you practice.
When a loved one is suffering,
"Darling, I know you are suffering. That is why I am here for you."
Before you do anything to help her, to help him, your presence can already bring some relief.
And acknowledge the suffering and hurt.
The fourth mantra is a little more complicated.
It is when you suffer.
And you believe that a loved one causes your suffering.
So you suffer very deeply.
You prefer to go to your room, close the door and suffer alone.
You are hurt.
You want to punish them for having caused your suffering.
The mantra is to overcome it.
The mantra is: "Darling, I am suffering. I am practicing hard. Please help me."
You go to them and practice it.
If you can chant that mantra, you will soon suffer less.
"Darling, I am suffering. Please help me."
"Please help me."
Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh Excerpt - Powerful