Transparent rhinoceros


シロサイは、世界で 3 番目に大きい陸上哺乳類です。アフリカゾウやアジアゾウの後という意味です。またサイは時速50キロで走れる能力があるんです。「自分のすがたがきらいなサイ。きえてしまいたいと願っていたら、本当にすがたがきえてしまった。とうめいになったら、たのしいことがいっぱいだ。ぼくはだれにも見えないんだから。」(English) The white rhinoceros is the third largest land mammal in the world. It means that it is after the African and Asian elephants. Also, rhinos have the ability to run at 50 kilometers per hour.  ”Rhinoceros that hates its shape. I wished I could disappear, but I really did. When I become disappear, I will have lots of fun. No one can see me."

Transparent rhinoceros


I am a rhino.

I have a giant horn in the middle of my face.

My skin is grey and thick.

My back is raised, and my lips are hard.

My ears are like trumpets.

I hate.

I hate myself.

I don't want anyone to see me like this.

That's why I don't want any friends.


I don't want to see it.

I closed my eyes tightly.

I want to disappear.

I want to disappear.

But no matter how much I wish for it, it's impossible.

I gently open my eyes and...



The big horns have disappeared.

My thick grey face, my thick grey body, my raised back, my lips, my ears.

I am gone.


I have become invisible.

No one can see my ugly appearance anymore.

I can go anywhere.

The sunlight is passing through my body.

When I walk on the grass, I am grass-colored.

It doesn't matter what territory I'm in.

The lion does not notice me at all.

If I step on his tail, he will be surprised.


The giraffe is moving its mouth.

When I looked closer, I noticed the giraffe's eyes were lovely.

It's got such soft fur.

I'd love to lie down with a couple of cheetahs side by side.

There's so much fun to be had.

I'll be with them all the time.


I met a girl by the water.

She has a horn in the middle of her face.

Her skin is grey and thick.

She has hard lips. She has a slight rise on her back.

Her ears are like trumpets as well.

She looks just like me.

And yet, I wonder why.

I'm more attracted to its small eyes than the big eyes of a giraffe.

I would rather touch the hard grey skin than the soft fur of a cheetah.


I gently approach and touch her.

She moved her body slightly and looked at my side.

Her little eyes were wide open, searching for something.

Then she gently moved away from me and went away.


I'm here. I'm here.

I'm here. I'm here.

I'm screaming like this, but even my voice is transparent.


I'm nowhere to be found.

Only my ears are moving like trumpets in everyone's happy talk.


"Has anyone seen a rhino in the meadow?

It has a magnificent horn in the middle of its face.

Its hard grey skin is like the earth.

It is a rhino with a great horn, raised back, gentle lips, and ears like trumpets."

The bullock woodpecker was looking for me.


He was always attached.

The bullock woodpecker would cling to me and clean me on my back, on my horns.

I remember the feeling of the bullock woodpecker pecking at my body.

The bullock woodpecker was telling me that he liked my back.


"He had a great horn in the middle of his face.

His thick grey skin is like the earth.

His back is splendidly raised, with gentle lips and rhinoceros ears like trumpets.

Has anyone ~ seen a rhino in the meadow?"

I kind of burst into tears.

I don't want to be invisible.

I want to be me again.


The bullock woodpecker is flying around me, which I can't see.


After a while, I notice a familiar feeling.

The bullock woodpecker is pecking at my back.

Could it be...


Can you see me?

The end.

..I hope that you can be friends again.

Transparent rhinoceros


In Florence

The express train to Florence left Milano Centrale station at six o'clock sharp. I hurried to the station only to find that the train had already left.

I stood there for a while with mixed feelings of disappointment and relief. Am I glad I came here, leaving all that noisy Tokyo life behind? Yet, I am alone in October, neither August nor December, halfway through the season, with a feeling of being in limbo. I have only one purpose: to see him again.

No one was walking down the street in that small town because it was not a street market day or a holiday, just a lazy afternoon, and I was an out-of-place foreigner with a big suitcase.

If you regret not going, you might as well go and regret it. But unfortunately, I have yet to get an answer to that question.

I couldn't stop myself from wanting to destroy everything, which seemed to come from the hatred that was the opposite of strong affection. Schubert's Piano Sonata is my favorite piano piece. It has a sad, beautiful, and endless atmosphere. We were listening to it that night too.

I have always been out of place everywhere since I was a child.

I can not do what everyone else can do, but sometimes people are impressed when I do things that are nothing trouble to me.

Let's go for drinking an espresso, he said, and the place was packed with people from wherever they were pouring in, so he pushed his way to the front and was finally able to order one. It smelled and tasted like the best drink I have ever had.

Fortunately, the success rate of surgical removal was very high at a well-known cancer center in Tokyo, and his case was no exception. He recovered, but our relationship did not. And I went back to my everyday busy life.

It was either a dream, or I had read too many novels, or it was like a scene from a film. The fragmented scenes have a strong impression but seem like an inconsistent drama when pieced together. I still have the same feeling of being like a foreigner everywhere I go, even if there is Tokyo born and raised.

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