Unexpectedly unknown deep relationship between "Nike and Japanese" How a global sports brand was born


刊行以来全米で話題となり、翻訳が待望されていたナイキ創業者の自伝『SHOE DOG(シュードッグ)』日本語版が、2017年10月27日、ついに発売された。そこに描かれているのは、知られざる日本とナイキとの深い関係と、熱狂して人生を生きることのすばらしさだ。(English) The autobiography of the founder of Nike, "SHOE DOG", which has become a hot topic in the United States since its publication and has been eagerly awaited for translation, will finally be released on 27 October 2017.

Unexpectedly unknown deep relationship between "Nike and Japanese" How a global sports brand was born 15/09/2017


The autobiography of the founder of Nike, "SHOE DOG", which has become a hot topic in the United States since its publication and has been eagerly awaited for translation, will finally be released on 27 October 2017.

It depicts the strange deep relationship between Japan and Nike and the wonders of living life with enthusiasm.

Makoto Shiono, who quickly finished reading the book, contributed his impressions and impressions.


"I thought about going to Japan, finding a shoe company and selling my stupid idea."

In 1962, a young man in the US state of Oregon thought the same thing. Philip Hampson Knight, the founder of Nike, a brand you probably know.

This book, "Shoe Dog", tells the story of the founder of Nike, a world-famous sportswear manufacturer and famous brand, from its creation to its listing on the stock exchange.


How was the Nike brand born?

After graduating from college and returning to his parent's home, Knight asks his father to leave Oregon and travel the world to Japan.

Upon hearing this, Knight's grandmother said, "Just a few years ago, the Japanese tried to kill us. Don't you remember?"

"Attack Pearl Harbor," she shouted. Young Knight stuffs his rucksack with paperbacks of Caught in the Rye and Naked Lunch and heads for Japan.


Nike is a sports brand familiar to the Japanese.

Its logo, the "swoosh", adorns the clothes and shoes of all athletes, from professionals to amateurs.

Of course, this book will also reveal the Nike brand name and the secret history of the birth of the logo mark. How much did Caroline Davidson, the designer who invented the swoosh, pay?


Phil Knight, the main character in this book, graduated from Stanford University's business school after running track at the University of Oregon.

After serving in the US Army at 24, he reflects on the meaning of his life: what do you want to do?  

What kind of life do you want?  

What is success?


Inspired by a course at Stanford University, Knight focused on Japan's technological and productive power, which had risen from the burnt ruins of the post-war period and entered the market.

A runner in college, he sensed the potential of running shoes made in Japan and decided to start a business.

Knight unboxes a sample pair of shoes from Japan and hugs them, saying "how beautiful they are" and "as if they were holy".

Of course, the difficulties of starting a business hit Knight individually.

When Knight first visited Japan, he overcame the difficulties by setting up a company that had not yet been incorporated and by dressing in military uniforms and flying in Air Force planes to transport shoes to sell in California, even though he had no travel expenses.


This book tells the story of entrepreneurship in the United States in the 1960s, but it is also interesting because of the variety of characters that colour it.

A strict and self-conscious father and a strong mother with a passion for athletics surround Knight.

His father scolds him for starting a business selling shoes, calling it a "stupid act".

Meanwhile, her mother takes $7 out of her purse to buy a pair of Japanese shoes for her son to sell, puts them on and stands in the kitchen.

Legendary coach Bill Bowerman, who ran the young Knight's "lonely" track and field club in college, was also fascinated by the shoes and became Knight's business partner.

In addition, those whom Knight assembled to expand the business, "one handicapped man, two morbidly overweight men, and one heavy smoker", worked diligently and created a rapidly growing Nike during this period.


The close relationship between Nike and Japanese companies

The Japanese companies Onitsuka and Nissho Iwai Co, Ltd are exciting to Japanese readers involved in Knight's business.

Mr Onitsuka, the founder of Onitsuka (later known as Asics), tells Knight: "Everyone in the world wears sports shoes every day. The day will come".

According to the book, Mr Onitsuka started a company in the post-war ruins by dripping candle wax from Buddhist altars onto his feet and making shoes last.

Knight carries a copy of "How to Do Business with the Japanese" in his pocket and negotiates with Japanese companies, but he comes to love the Japanese attitude of finding beauty in everything.

For Japanese business people, the book can be read as the history of Japanese industry from the post-war period to the present, seen through the eyes of an American entrepreneur.


The depiction of the Japanese in these paintings may surprise us today.

In fact, in the book, the Japanese try to take over Blue Ribbon, a company founded by Knight, and file lawsuits.

The Japanese also realised that "people are too distracted by numbers" and invested in entrepreneurs rather than financial statements.

I want those who pick up this book to feel how hungry the Japanese were in the 1960s and 1970s.

The book's layout is unique, with the Western calendar on every page. And why today's Nike shoes are not made in Japan, the answer can be found in this industrial history.


A message from the founder of Nike

In the second half of the story, Knight tells readers who imagine "America, the nation of entrepreneurship", that "America is not an entrepreneurial utopia" and that "they want to hit the nail that sticks out".

And having achieved fame and fortune, Knight is open about the great things he's gained and the great things he's lost. Did Knight's father finally accept him? What was the reason?

Many entrepreneurs will identify with Knight's family scenes.

Also, business people worried about their relationship with their families will find something to touch their hearts.

There is a scene where Knight has a chance to meet with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett after watching a film in a cinema.

What film were the three billionaires representing the Earth watching? Please look it up in the book.


This book tells the story of entrepreneurship, family, business and the life of a young man who ran a country track in a rural town.

And it is the story of a Japanese company that 'once upon a time' was a venture capitalist and an innovator.

American students ask Knight who has become a successful man. "Where is America going? Is society going in the wrong direction for the future of our children? "

Knight replies, "I am talking about devastated Japan I saw in 1962. Out of the rubble and ruins, clever men were born".

The people who should read this book the most are probably Japanese, living in 2017 and wearing Nike shoes.

Unexpectedly unknown deep relationship between "Nike and Japanese" How a global sports brand was born 15/09/2017 


The 'most important person' who does not show his face runs a movie with the main character "AIR." 


The courage of Nissho Iwai, a Japanese company that saved Nike

Lifelong Investor Yoshiaki Murakami "If it's me, I won't help"


"NIKE" is a footwear brand founded by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman. 


The world's best-selling footwear brand. Where does this popularity come from? Aren't there a lot of people who don't know?

Japan has been an inseparable part of history from birth to growth.

The footwear brand "NIKE" has grown so much because its founder, Phil Knight, believed in Japan.

From the deep history, we will thoroughly explain the logo, popular items, and how to determine the age.

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