Little Viking Bikke <1> Episode 1 The Birth of a Viking
「小さなバイキングビッケ」スウェーデン出身の作家にしてジャーナリストであるルーネル・ヨンソン原作による児童文学シリーズです。制作年は1974年。私は小さいころ、どうしても海賊船がほしくて小さいプラモデルの船を父に作ってもらったことを覚えています。さぁ一緒に懐かしいキャラクターに会いに行きましょう。(English) ”A Little Viking Bikke” is a series of children's books by Swedish author and journalist Lunel Jonsson. The production year is 1974. When I was a little girl, I wanted a pirate ship, so my father made me a small plastic model ship. Let's go and meet the old characters together.
A Little Viking Bikke <1> Episode 1 The Birth of a Viking
The main character Bikke is a Viking of the Frerke tribe.
He is a small boy, but he was the son of a large-bodied, hard-drinking chief, Halvar.
Contrary to his father, Bikke was small and powerless.
However, his intelligence was second to none.
For his wisdom, Bikke was specially allowed to become a member of the Vikings.
Vikings encounter various incidents and difficulties everywhere they go.
However, "little Viking" Bikke overcomes various incidents and difficulties using his great wisdom.
A Little Viking Bikke <1> Episode 1 The Birth of a Viking