Virus Kills Cancer Cells


悪性脳腫瘍を標的とした世界初のウイルス治療薬が2021年6月に日本で承認されました。これには癌細胞のみを殺すウイルスが含まれています。1970年代から、患者がウイルスに感染した後に腫瘍が縮小することが知られていましたが、何年もの間、誰も抗がん剤を開発することができませんでした。今日NHKで放映された番組では、がんや小児の難病にも取り組む姿がありました。ウィルスは良い面と悪い面の両方があることに驚かされます。(English) The world's first viral drug targeting malignant brain tumors was approved in Japan in June 2021. It contains a virus that kills only cancer cells; it has been known since the 1970s that tumors shrink after patients are infected with the virus, but for years no one has been able to develop an anticancer drug. Today's program aired on NHK showed them tackling cancer and other incurable pediatric diseases. It is fantastic to see that viruses have both good and bad sides.

Virus Kills Cancer Cells

The world's first viral drug targeting malignant brain tumors was approved in Japan in June 2021.

It contains a virus that has killed only cancer cells since the 1970s.

It has been known that tumors shrink after patients are infected with the virus.

But for years, no one had been able to develop an anticancer drug.

Many years later, an American neurosurgeon paved the way for creating such a drug for brain tumors.

And Japanese neurosurgeons who saw his paper made further adjustments.


Close-Up Modern Society The Power of Viruses in Medicine
The latest treatment for cancer and intractable diseases

Immune Cells


2022/7/25 7:30 p.m.

The explosion of the new corona infection demonstrates the power of viruses.

New therapies that reverse the power of various viruses are beginning to be put to practical use.

The biggest target is cancer.

A unique virus developed at the University of Tokyo multiplies and destroys cancer cells only inside them.

It has few side effects and can potentially be applied to treating all solid cancers.

A new treatment for blood cancers that uses a virus to enhance the attacking power of immune cells is also showing results.

Viruses are also being used in the treatment of intractable diseases in children.

This article looks at the safety and issues involved.


How Cancer Immunotherapy Works: A Cartoon for Kids


Shannon Maude, MD, Ph.D.:

I'm going to explain how immunotherapy works.

We turn your T cells into super cells that can find and destroy cancer cells.

Let's take a look.


T cells, white blood cells, are designed to kill disease cells.

But cancerous B cells often look like your normal healthy cells, so T cells don't go after them.


We're learning how to change that.

We collect millions of T cells from the patient.

Then we reprogram them in a lab so they can now identify the B cells and grab onto a substance found only on the surface of B cells.


When we put the reprogrammed T cells back into the patient, they flow throughout the body and begin locating cancerous B cells.


As the reprogrammed T cells attach to and destroy the rapidly dividing cancerous B cells, they also multiply in the body. They can remain in the body long after to continue fighting any lingering cancerous B cells.


For more information about our Cancer Immunotherapy Program:

Virus Kills Cancer Cells

Close-Up Modern Society The Power of Viruses in Medicine
The latest treatment for cancer and intractable diseases - 2022/7/25 7:30 p.m.

How Cancer Immunotherapy Works: A Cartoon for Kids

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