Wagner, Lohengrin


さぁ、今日は壮大なワーグナーのオペラ「ローエングリン」を楽しみましょう。このオペラの中の「結婚行進曲」は日本の結婚式の定番の曲です。(English) Let's enjoy the magnificent Wagner opera Lohengrin today. This opera's 'Wedding March' is a classic Japanese wedding song.

Characters in 'Lohengrin.'

King Heinrich: Serious Bass / significant role

Lohengrin (knight guardian of the Holy Grail): Heldentenor / major role

Elsa (daughter of the Duke of Brabant): spinto soprano / major role

Friedrich, Count of Terlamunt: dramatic baritone/larger role

Ortoluto (Friedrich's wife): dramatic mezzo-soprano/ Large role

Messenger: dramatic baritone/medium role

Gottfried (Elsa's brother): silent role

A brief synopsis of Lohengrin.


Elsa of Brabant is accused by Friedrich of the Terramund Domain of murdering her brother Gottfried.


While not a single person appears to defend Elsa at the trial, Lohengrin appears, led by a swan.

Lohengrin wins the victory over Count Terlamunt in the Shinmei Trial (duel), which decides Elsa's innocence.


Lohengrin wants to marry Elsa, but he makes her promise not to ask for her name, place of origin, or identity.

Terramund and his wife Ortoluto vow revenge and plan to accuse Lohengrin of witchcraft.


Ortoluto takes up with Elsa and sows doubt about the secret of Lohengrin's birth.

Lohengrin and Elsa marry, but Elsa asks the three forbidden questions on the spot. Lohengrin also kills Terramund, who intrudes on the scene.


Loenglin reveals himself before the king and the people as the knight Loenglin, sent by the power of Graal.


The Swan, who has come to take Lohengrin back to Graal, returns in the form of Gottfried, Elsa's missing brother.

Gottfried had been under Ortlut's spell.


After Lohengrin's departure, Elsa also dies from emotional strain.

What is a Graal?

Graal means Holy Grail.

Lohengrin's come from a castle in a distant land called Monsalvat. The Graal (Holy Grail) is enshrined in its temple, and the Graal gives its knights special powers.

Wagner, Lohengrin, complete (1/3) Kempe conductor, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.


An opera singer explains the charm and highlights of Wagner's 'Lohengrin' in simple terms.


Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883): "Lohengrin" (Vienna, 1990)


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