What is "Copernicus" Lifetime in 3 minutes easy? What is the geocentric theory?
天文学で最も重要な発見! コペルニクスは、天動説(太陽中心説)を唱えました。地球が宇宙の中心で、他の天体は地球を中心に回っていると考えられていたのです。しかし、観測技術の進歩により、地動説では理解できないような現象が発見されました。ポーランド出身のコペルニクスは、天文学者であり、医師でもありました。この時代、天体が身体や病気に影響を与えると考えられており、医師も占星術を研究していました。コペルニクスは聖職者でありながら、医学や占星術を学ぶことができたのです。当初、天動説は受け入れられませんでした。しかし、多くの科学者による様々な実験や研究によって、その正しさが証明されました。今信じられている説も、いずれは間違いであることが証明されるかもしれない。(English) Astronomy's most significant discovery! Copernicus advocated the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory. It was thought that the earth was the center of the universe, and other celestial bodies revolved around it. However, advances in observational technology led to the discovery of phenomena that the geocentric (Earth-centered) theory could not understand. Copernicus, a native of Poland, was an astronomer and a physician. During this period, it was believed that the celestial bodies affected the body and disease, and doctors also studied astrology. Although a clergyman, Copernicus was able to study medicine and astrology. Initially, the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory was not accepted. However, it was proven correct through various experiments and studies by many scientists. Therefore, the idea that is believed now may eventually be proven to be false.
What is "Copernicus" Lifetime in 3 minutes easy? What is the geocentric theory?
What was the geocentric (Earth-centered) theory in the first place?
*Earth-centered theory [model], geocentric theory, Ptolemaic system
<->Sun-centered theory [model], heliocentric theory, Copernican theory,
The earth has day and night and seasons.
It is because the earth rotates on its axis once a day and orbits around the sun for a year.
The heliocentric(Sun-centered) theory says that the "earth" sphere is "moving."
However, it was previously thought that the earth was not moving.
The sun and other celestial bodies are moving around the earth; in other words, it was thought that the "heavens" were "moving" around the planet.
Until the advent of the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory, the earth was thought to be the center of the universe.
However, technological advances discovered that the moon moves differently from other celestial bodies.
Also, phenomena were discovered that could not be explained by celestial bodies revolving around the earth.
With the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory, phenomena that the geocentric (Earth-centered) theory could not explain could now be described.
In the past, this was common knowledge - the geocentric (earth-centered) theory.
The geocentric (earth-centered) theory is explained as follows.
The earth is at the center of the universe and is stationary.
All celestial bodies orbit around the earth.
The geocentric (earth-centered) theory was conceived by a man named Ptolemy.
Ptolemy (ca. 83- 168 around) wrote in his book "Almagest" that the earth is at the center of the universe, and the celestial bodies move around it.
Ptolemy's birthplace and year of birth are not precise.
He was a scholar in the fields of mathematics and astronomy.
Life of Copernicus
What was the life of Copernicus, the proponent of the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory?
Copernicus' Childhood
Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer and Catholic priest from Poland.
Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473, in Torun, Poland.
There is a university named after him, the Nicolaus Copernicus University, in Talon.
His father was a copper merchant.
Incidentally, the name Copernicus comes from Koperniki, a copper mine in Poland.
After losing his parents early, Copernicus was taken in by his maternal uncle and raised with his siblings.
This uncle was a priest in the church.
He wanted his nephew to become a priest as well.
Copernicus and Learning
Copernicus went on to the University of Cracow, the oldest university in Poland.
There he studied astronomy under Brzeszewski, an astronomer who questioned the geocentric (Earth-centered) theory.
He then went to the University of Bologna, Italy, to study law, where he also studied other astronomy, medicine, and astrology.
While working as a clergyman and doctor, Copernicus continued his astronomical observations.
Around 1508, he began to think about the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory.
Copernicus summarized this idea in his book "Commentariolus" in 1510 and sent it to several colleagues.
Copernicus' friends gradually spread the idea of this heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory.
In 1542, the manuscript of his main work, "On the Rotation of the Celestial Bodies," was completed.
However, Copernicus fell ill and died on May 24, 1543, when the proof version arrived in his possession.
The photo shows the statue of Copernicus at the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Galileo Galilei, heir to Copernicus' ideas
Galileo Galilei was the first to make astronomical observations through a telescope.
About 90 years younger than Copernicus, Galileo supported Copernicus' heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory.
This, however, brought Galileo into conflict with the papacy.
Furthermore, Copernicus' book "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Bodies" was banned.
Nevertheless, Galileo continued to advocate the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory.
In 1633, Galileo was found guilty in a religious trial.
Galileo muttered the famous words, "Still, the earth is turning," then.
There is a statue of Galileo in the Santa Croce Society in Italy.
When it comes to Polish scientists, Marie Curie is indispensable.
The element with atomic number 84 was named polonium after the country of origin of its discoverer, Marie Curie.
The element with atomic number 112 is named copernicium after Copernicus.
Incidentally, Galileo is also named after an element, and the part with atomic number 31 is called gallium.
And that was before Copernicus!
The man who proposed the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory
In B.C., there was a man who thought the earth was moving.
Aristarchus first proposed the idea of the sun as the center of the earth.
Aristarchus stated his heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory in "On the Size and Distance of the Sun and Moon."
Aristarchus, an ancient Greek astronomer, stated the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory.
However, this theory was never accepted, and for about 2,000 years, the geocentric (Earth-centered) idea was believed.
When Copernicus reintroduced the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory, Aristarchus became known as the Copernicus of antiquity.
Astronomy's most significant discovery!
Copernicus advocated the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory.
It was thought that the earth was the center of the universe, and other celestial bodies revolved around it. This is the geocentric (Earth-centered) theory.
However, advances in observational technology led to the discovery of phenomena that the geocentric (Earth-centered) theory could not understand.
Thus, the heliocentric(Sun-centered) theory was newly proposed.
Copernicus, a native of Poland, was an astronomer and a physician.
During this period, it was believed that the celestial bodies affected the body and disease, and doctors also studied astrology.
People with illnesses also came to the church.
Although a clergyman, Copernicus was able to study medicine and astrology. The church understood his thought.
Initially, the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory was not accepted.
It was proven correct through various experiments and studies by many scientists.
The theory that is believed now may eventually be proven to be false.
What is "Copernicus" Lifetime in 3 minutes easy? What is the geocentric theory?
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Chopin's Bench (Ławeczki Chopina)
*Visitors can listen to Chopin's music on the Chopin bench in front of the Copernicus statue in Warsaw.
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Pianist Kyohei Sorita, who won the second prize at the Chopin Competition this year, heard Chopin's Largo in E-flat major here.