Which Beverage Is the Best for Hydration


研究者は、水は体に素早く水分を補給する優れた働きをしますが、少量の砂糖、脂肪、またはタンパク質を含む飲料は、水分を長時間維持する優れた働きをすることを発見しました。(English) Researchers found that, while water does a fine job of quickly hydrating the body, beverages with a small amount of sugar, fat, or protein do a superior job of keeping us hydrated for longer.

Which Beverage Is the Best for Hydration?

When you are thirsty, which beverages are best at keeping you hydrated? Many people would think to drink a glass of water, but according to a study from Scotland's St. Andrews University, it is not the most hydrating drink available.

Researchers found that, while water does a fine job of quickly hydrating the body, beverages with a small amount of sugar, fat, or protein do a superior job of keeping us hydrated for longer.

This difference has to do with how our bodies respond to beverages. "The more you drink, the faster the drink empties from your stomach and gets absorbed into the bloodstream, where it can dilute the body's fluids and hydrate you," said study author Ronald Maughan.

Beverages containing electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, contribute to better hydration. However, those containing concentrated sugars, such as fruit juices or colas, are not as helpful. Once these beverages enter the small intestine, their sugars take water from the body during osmosis.

If you must decide between soda and water for hydration, you should always choose water. Water helps our skin stay elastic, our joints lubricated, and our kidneys and liver function to remove toxins from our bodies.

"If you're thirsty, your body will tell you to drink more," Maughan said. Athletes and people working long hours without beverage breaks should drink a lot to avoid the negative impacts of dehydration.

//New words//

protein: one of the many substances found in food, such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs, that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong

Meat and fish are a vital source of protein.

superior: better in quality than somebody/something else; greater than somebody/something else

Liverpool was clearly the superior team.

dilute: to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else

Dilute the juice before you drink it.

fluid: a substance that flows and is not solid

The doctor drained some fluid from her lungs.

joint: a place in your body where two bones are connected

As you become older, your joints get stiffer.



Where did the study come from?


The study came from Scotland's St. Andrews University.


(1st Paragraph) Many people would think to drink a glass of water, but according to a study from Scotland's St. Andrews University, it is not the most hydrating drink available.


What happens when beverages containing concentrated sugars enter the small intestine?


They take water from the body during osmosis when they enter the small intestine.


(4th Paragraph) However, those containing concentrated sugars, such as fruit juices or colas, are not as helpful. Once these beverages enter the small intestine, their sugars take water from the body during osmosis.


Who should drink a lot to avoid the negative impacts of dehydration?


Athletes and people working long hours without beverage breaks should drink a lot to avoid the negative impacts of dehydration.


(6th Paragraph) Athletes and people working long hours without beverage breaks should drink a lot to avoid the negative impacts of dehydration.



Do you drink water when you're thirsty? Why or why not?

-> Yes, I will drink water.

Or I like Japanese tea or coffee.

However, when I drink coffee, I always drink water with it.

Because coffee makes you thirsty.

It's like when you drink alcohol.

Alcohol and coffee make you thirsty.


Do you prefer beverages containing small amounts of sugar, fat, or protein? Please explain.

-> No, I wouldn't say I like it.

I always like black coffee, and carbonated drinks are okay once in a while, but not all the time.

I'm always waiting for my stomach to go down.

I don't eat three times a day.

Twice a day is just right.

When I am hungry, and my body wants to eat, I want to eat delicious rice.


Is it easy for you to drink large volumes of beverages? Why or why not?

-> No, it's not easy.

Articles recommend drinking 2 litres of water daily, but it's hard.

I think it's a good idea to divide the water into small portions and drink it several times.


Have you experienced adverse health effects due to dehydration? Please explain.

-> Yes, I have experienced this several times.

It was always when I played golf on a hot summer day.

In summer in Japan, the temperature reaches 35 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is high.

So even if you drink a lot of water, stay in the shade, and carry an ice pillow, you can still feel a little sick in the evening.

It seemed in good condition when salt and minerals were taken from candy and food.


Do you think beverages containing concentrated sugars should be banned? Please share your thoughts.

-> If it's proven harmful to the body, it might be better to ban it.

However, such drinks are always delicious.

So we have to learn to drink mindfully.


Would you instead only drink cola or water for the rest of your life? Please support your answer.

-> I wouldn't say I like cola.

Beer tastes better now, but cola never tastes better.

So I choose to drink only water.

It is essential to recognize that cola and beer are addictive and dangerous drinks.

Which Beverage Is the Best for Hydration? 


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Water Actually Isn't The Best Beverage For Hydration 



A 2016 study found that milk, not water or Gatorade, is the best beverage for long-term hydration due to its nutrient content, which aids fluid retention. Orange juice also proved surprisingly hydrating. While water remains a crucial drink for hydration, other beverages like milk and orange juice, which are mostly water, can also help. However, despite their hydration properties, these drinks can't replace water due to their high-calorie content. Excessive water intake can also be harmful, as kidneys are limited to processing water.


According to a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, water isn't the best beverage for hydration - at least when it comes to long-term fluid balance.

No, Gatorade isn't, either. The answer is quite shocking: it's milk. Both skim and whole milk were found to be more hydrating than water, even when the results were adjusted for the drink's water content.


How is this possible? Well, hydration isn't just about fluid balance; it's also about fluid retention, which means the drink's benefits aren't quickly lost when you urinate.

Nutrients in milk such as fat, lactose (also known as milk sugar) and sodium (also known as salt) contribute to its ability to stay in the body longer, providing more hydration.

Sodium is an electrolyte - the most abundant in the body, according to the Cleveland Clinic - and electrolytes are beneficial in maintaining our fluid balance.

The study's authors developed a methodology for a drink hydration index from the St Andrews University School of Medicine in Scotland.

Almost 90 people took part, and the fantastic hydrating effects of milk weren't the only surprise the results revealed - orange juice also proved to be surprisingly hydrating.


Why proper hydration matters

Proper hydration is, of course, vital for many bodily functions.

We feel better and think better when our bodies are adequately hydrated, notes the Harvard School of Public Health, and hydration also plays a vital role in maintaining our body temperature and providing our cells with the nutrients they need.

Water is traditionally the recommended beverage for this necessary hydration.


There are indeed minimum daily amounts of water that we should drink to stay hydrated. For men, this is 3.7 litres, and for women 3 litres.

Water isn't the only beverage we drink, and other options can be very useful in helping us stay hydrated. As the Mayo Clinic points out, milk and orange juice are so hydrating because they're mostly water. Both milk and orange juice are almost 90% water.

However, not all drinks are as hydrating despite their high water content. Sugary sodas, for example, may seem to hydrate in the short term, but they cause water loss for a long time.

That's because water is needed to help your body process the sugar. Coffee and tea, on the other hand, are more hydrating, especially if a bit of milk is added to offset the diuretic effects of caffeine.

Diuretics, which remove water from the body through frequent urination, can dehydrate, as can alcohol.


Why some drinks are more hydrating than others

To measure the retention and long-term effects of hydration, the authors of the 2016 study measured hydration levels two or more hours after drinking the beverages.

Both milk (skim and whole) and orange juice proved to be more hydrating than water by this standard, with better measurements up to four hours after consumption. However, only milk was significantly more hydrating when adjusted for water content.


"This study tells us much of what we already knew," noted nutritionist Melissa Majumdar in CNN Health. "Electrolytes - like sodium and potassium - contribute to better hydration, while calories in drinks lead to slower gastric emptying and therefore slower urination."

But that doesn't mean we should rely on milk rather than water for the bulk of our hydration. Despite its excellent hydration properties, milk is also high in calories and carbohydrates. However, it can be a great way to recover from high-intensity exercise.


Too much water can be bad

Water is not the most efficient drink for hydration, but it's also possible to drink too much of it. That's because our kidneys can only process so much water each day.

According to the Mayo Clinic, excess water can lead to serious medical problems. Medical News Today notes that the kidneys can process up to 28 litres of water a day. But there's a limit to how much they can get rid of in an hour. So if you drink more than a litre per hour, it's unhealthy.


Of course, our hydration needs to be balanced with our nutrition, and water has the advantage of having zero calories. This is not the case with milk or orange juice, which, despite their excellent short-term hydration effects, can't be consumed in anything like the same quantity as water - at least not in a healthy way.

So while water may not be the best drink for hydration from an efficiency standpoint, it's still the one we should drink more than any other, according to UC Davis Health.

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