Winston Churchill, The man who saved the world from Hitler


1940 年、ナチス ドイツの勢力が拡大し、ヨーロッパの運命が危うくなる中、過去の失敗により物議を醸した人物、ウィンストン チャーチルが英国首相に任命された。 国内の政治的反対や個人的な奇行にも関わらず、チャーチルは妻クレメンタインと秘書エリザベスの支援を得て、ナチス・ドイツに抵抗することを誓う。 ダンケルクに閉じ込められたイギリス軍の危機に直面して、彼は大規模な避難活動であるダイナモ作戦を指揮します。 象徴的なVサイン、葉巻への愛、ノーベル文学賞を受賞した多作で知られるチャーチルは、最終的にはヒトラーと戦い続けるという歴史的な決断を下し、不動の指導者としての遺産を確固たるものにする。(English) In 1940, as Nazi Germany's power grew and Europe's fate hung in the balance, Winston Churchill, a controversial figure due to his past failures, was appointed as the British Prime Minister. Despite internal political opposition and personal eccentricities, Churchill, with the support of his wife Clementine and secretary Elizabeth, vows to resist Nazi Germany. Facing the crisis of the trapped British army at Dunkirk, he orchestrates Operation Dynamo, a massive evacuation effort. Churchill, known for his iconic V-sign, love for cigars, and prolific writing that earned him a Nobel Prize in Literature, ultimately makes a historic decision to continue fighting against Hitler, solidifying his legacy as a steadfast leader.

Winston Churchill, The man who saved the world from Hitler




1940, the beginning of the Second World War. The power of Nazi Germany is growing, France is about to fall, and the threat of aggression looms over England.

With the Allies trapped on the beaches of Dunkirk, the fate of Europe rests in the hands of the newly elected British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.

Churchill, 'the most hated man in the political world' for his repeated failures, is forced to make the ultimate choice, not only for Europe but for the world, while being cornered by his political opponents. Will you surrender to Hitler, or will you fight?


Churchill, the legendary politician who was voted "the most respected leader chosen by the world's CEOs" (PwC JAPAN survey 2013), ahead of Steve Jobs and Gandhi, faced the most significant national crisis, giving courage and hope to Based on a true story revealed in the wartime cabinet records released after Churchill's death.

This historical entertainment chronicles the unknown 27 days from Churchill's inauguration to the Battle of Dunkirk.


He is an eccentric who drinks alcohol in the morning, never misses a nap and even holds meetings in the bathroom. A clear command that made him say "man". The courage to take on challenges despite repeated failures. This film perfectly captures the unconventional charm of the human Winston Churchill.


Winston Churchill listened to the voiceless and inspired people with his words as he faced conflict and anguish as Prime Minister. The final scene, in which Churchill, a magician of words who later won the Nobel Prize for Literature, delivers a four-minute speech, is a masterpiece.



The story

May 1940, the beginning of the Second World War. The power of Hitler's Nazi Germany is growing, France is about to fall, and the threat of aggression looms over England.

Voices said that Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, would be the best candidate to succeed Chamberlain, who had passed a vote of no confidence in the Cabinet but firmly refused. Winston Churchill, who was very popular with the public but the 'unpopular man' within the party because of his repeated missteps, was therefore chosen.


With the support of his wife, Clementine, who encourages her eccentric husband, who has been drinking since the morning, and his secretary, Elizabeth, who types Churchill's complex but witty and humorous words, he is appointed as the new Prime Minister of Britain, which is in a state of national crisis.

Churchill vows to "never give in" and resists tooth and nail, despite the gossip of Chamberlain and Halifax, who are promoting peace negotiations with Germany.


Under these circumstances, the British army, driven by the German army, withdraws to the coast of Dunkirk in France and is isolated. Three hundred thousand soldiers are surrounded, and they cannot be saved.

Then send a ship to Dunkirk to rescue these soldiers and call up large ships and all civilian vessels such as boats and small ships. This is how Operation Dynamo was carried out.


As the power of Nazi Germany grows by the day, the threat of an invasion of Britain approaches. Will you surrender to Hitler, or will you fight? The fate of Europe and the world lay in Churchill's hands.

Churchill is troubled and conflicted every day. King George VI, sceptical of Churchill when he first took office, opened his heart to him, and the two developed a bond.

In the end, Churchill makes a historic decision.



Six Keywords for Knowing Churchill

[V Sign]

Churchill is famous for his tall V-sign. During the Second World War, the Allied forces used the V sign, meaning "Victory", to become Churchill's public image.

The episode featured in the play is a true story in which he didn't know the meaning of the V sign with the palm facing inwards (fuck it) and was taught by his subordinates.



He was speaking of Churchill, cigars. He preferred Cubans, large sizes, and chose the double corona size, but said he only smoked half of them. The 178 mm length and 18.65 mm diameter are called "Churchill size".

During the Second World War, when a Luftwaffe bomb damaged his favourite Dunhill tobacconist, the manager immediately called the Chancellor's office to say, "Your cigars are fine".


[Nobel Prize-winning author]

Churchill was also a famous writer. The library at his private residence, Chartwell, Kent, contains over 60,000 volumes. He wrote 43 books during his lifetime, many of them in an oral style.

A visionary journalist, Churchill read Hitler's Mein Kampf and warned of the danger of Hitler's rise in the early 1930s, before the outbreak of the Second World War. His six-volume memoir, World War II, published in 1948, won him the Nobel Prize for Literature.


[Sake Lover]

Scotch for breakfast, a bottle of champagne for lunch and another for dinner. Brandy and Port in the evening. Don't lend him your bicycle. The Pol Roger champagne featured in the play was a brand that Churchill loved.

It later became a supplier to the British royal family, being served at the reception of Prince William and Princess Catherine.

The brand has a champagne called "Sir Winston Churchill", which pays homage to Churchill.


[I like animals]

There is a scene in the play where he plays with a cat, and it is said that Churchill, an English animal lover, kept and loved not only dogs but also cats, horses, birds and other animals.



He painted over 500 paintings in his lifetime and had 16 exhibitions at the Royal Academy. He even gave President Roosevelt an image.

Winston Churchill, The man who saved the world from Hitler

Academy Award nominee, the movie "Winston Churchill / the man who saved the world from Hitler" unravels Churchill's fashion.

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