'Zazen that is not a hardship'


苦行ではない坐禅について聞いてみましょう。(English) Let's hear about zazen, which is not austerity.

Volume 780: 'Zazen that is not a hardship' 25/2/2023


This spring, there was a special workshop for newcomers to Shugendo.

From the end of March to the beginning of April, new monks join the Shugendo(training room).

Before they arrive, we have a training session that has been going on for about ten years.


The aim is to ensure that they learn as much as possible about how to put on their robes and kesa before they enter the monastery.

Every year we do physical exercises as part of the training.

I move my body with them, relaxing and talking to some newcomers.


When I ask the young people who will practise if they think zazen is a hardship, they reply: "Yes, I think it is a hardship."

The general impression is that we must endure the pain in our feet to practise.


But I asked the young man:

"Didn't the Buddha stop suffering? And do zazen, right?"

In other words, if he stopped suffering and did zazen, it means that zazen is not a painful practice.


It is only because our bodies are so stiff now that it is painful to do zazen.

So over the years, I have learned from various teachers and done exercises to loosen up the body, especially the hip joints, which I have explored for them.


First, I each asked them to do their unique zazen.

Then we spent about an hour doing exercises to loosen our hip joints.

After that, we noticed their postures were utterly different when we asked them to do zazen again.


To sit properly and stably, first, you must relax the toes.

Next, especially the hip joints, you can only place the feet on the groin.

If we do not relax the hip joints before placing the feet on the groin, we will twist our knees and hurt ourselves.


When done correctly, zazen is not a challenging exercise.

After just one hour of practice, their posture was very different when I asked them to sit in a zazen posture.


Some of the young men seemed to stand up naturally on their hips. Then I asked them, "How do you feel? Isn't it comfortable?"

Then he replied, "It feels very comfortable."

Finally, he replied, "It feels perfect."


He said, "I want to sit in it constantly."

That was very pleasing to me.

I want them to feel that Way and to learn zazen, which is not a hardship.


I am grateful and happy to be able to teach young people, no matter what denomination they belong to.

And these things are not tiring.

I want to live a life filled with the joy of being born as a human being and learning the Way from each other.

Volume 780: 'Zazen that is not a hardship' 25/2/2023


The dramatic change in 8 minutes! Magic stretch that softens the hip joints in a flash. Effective for pelvic adjustment, cold and swollen legs  #508


[the pelvis changes at one time! ] Effective for improving posture, preventing back pain, coldness and swelling of the lower body, and relieving stiff shoulders #602


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