Clara Schumann: An Artist's Life Based on Material Found in Diaries and Letters


最初はクララ・シューマンの映画、書簡について。シューマン、クララ、ブラームスの関係を紐解きます。それからブラームスのピアノ協奏曲第一番を聴いてみました。そのとき、The first is about Clara Schumann's films and letters. It unravels the relationship between Schumann, Clara, and Brahms. Then we listened to Brahms' Piano Concerto No. 1. At that point,

Clara Schumann


Schumann supported the unknown Brahms.

"The one who should come has come"

He hadn't commented for a long time but published his critique "The New Road."

He supported Brahms as a successor to the throne of German music tradition.

Along with Bach and Beethoven, Brahms is called the "Three Great Bs."


Brahms visited the Schumann family with a letter of introduction.

Schumann said, "I want Clara to listen to his piano."

At a glance, the Schumanns loved the innocent young Brahms.

Only the genius understood his qualities with his deep intuition and insight into the intellectual.


And Schumann became neurotic and deaf.

He was initially weak, tired, and relapsed.

He committed suicide by jumping on the Rhine.

He was admitted to a mental hospital.


When Schumann was 16, his older sister died suddenly.

She was initially mentally ill, had a skin condition, was depressed, and committed suicide.

Her beautiful and delicate-hearted sister was only 19 years old.

And three months later, her father died of a sudden illness.

Schumann's music has a peculiar shadow.

It may be due to his experience of the death of his two families in a row.


Clara raised eight Schumann children.

After Schumann was hospitalized, she decided to earn money by playing the piano worldwide.

But while she wasn't there, Brahms needed to support her family.

Brahms, only 21 years old, agreed.


And Schumann died.

Brahms invited Clara, her two children, and his sister to rest in Switzerland.

Brahms composed the famous "Piano Concerto No. 1" for Clara.


Brahms spent his entire life single.

Brahms must have felt Clara more than just friendship.

Love and respect, because he loves so much, his noble soul may have humbly suppressed his passion and protected the love of Mr. and Mrs. Schumann with all their innocence.

And the suppressed cry of that wealthy genius may have become the work of his masterpieces.

Brahms and Clara are more than just romance.

They gave each other deep understanding and respect.

We didn't live together, but we visited each other often.


Schumann's children were difficult children, similar to his father.

His daughter, Julie, died a few years after her marriage, leaving behind two small children.

Felix, the youngest, died at 24 after many years of illness.

His third son, Ferdinand, died after several years of hospitalization, leaving his wife and children behind.

Brahms tried to give Clara money but was refused.

However, after that, money was delivered as a sign of friendship.

If Clara hadn't had true feminine embracing and patience, there wouldn't have been such a beautiful friendship.


On the other hand, the great composer Wagner was doing a gorgeous performance activity.

However, Brahms and Clara continued their sober and sincere activities as followers of the German music tradition.

Wagner composed "Six Pieces for Piano" while taking care of Clara's illness.

Brahms couldn't cure a cold he had at Clara's funeral.

Brahms died a year later to follow him.

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1, Gould & Bernstein (1962)



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