Now is the time to listen to this song, which symbolizes Glenn Gould's "wonderful musical life."


最近、ピアノ音楽をよく聴いています。グレングールドの演奏は、多くのインスピレーションを与えてくれます。彼は時代を超えた天才です。こうやってまた動画で再会できてとても幸せです。これは現代の風景の中にたくさんの疑問を投げかけ、音楽の中に入り込んで考えさせるような作品です。I have been listening to a lot of piano music lately. Glenn Gould's playing inspires me a lot. He is a timeless genius. I am so happy to see him again on video like this. This is a piece that raises so many questions in the modern landscape and makes you think inside the music.

Glenn Herbert Gould

Now is the time to listen to this song, which symbolizes Glenn Gould's "wonderful musical life."


Glenn Gould (1932-82) was a pianist representing the 20th century and a genius as a composer.

A double album containing the two patterns of J.S. Bach's "Goldberg Variations" that he left behind has been released.

add info:

He was Canadian.

He was a relative of the great composer Norwegian Grieg.

He had Asperger's Syndrome.

It is autism without intellectual disability.

He had many unusual behaviors, but he also had outstanding achievements.

He sat with his chair very low when playing the piano.

And he sometimes played the piano singing.

He wore a lot of clothes even on a hot day.

He hated talking to people and liked letters and phone calls.


Gould, who is still very popular, is almost 40 years since he died at 50.

He had a passion for recording and electronic media.

He made his daring interpretations of Mozart and Beethoven.

He discontinued all concert activities in 1964 due to doubts about concerts.

He left behind a lot of legends.

Among them, "Goldberg Variations" is a song that symbolizes his amazing musical life.


The CD1 album included "Goldberg Variations," which was recorded in monaural at a studio in New York in 1955.

It is his first recording and a monument to music history in the 20th century.

He played the piano with clarity against the background of extremely high technology.

It had a dynamic rhythm and fresh lyricism.

They fascinated the Canadian and American music scenes.

The world and concerts were held in the Soviet Union called the Iron Curtain.

In addition, Gould's performance and interpretation of Bach's pieces have significantly influenced Bach's research, piano performance, and the music world in general.


CD2 contains the Goldberg Variations, which were digitally recorded at the New York Studio in 1981, before his death, and released shortly before his end.

There is also a criticism that the performance with a slow tempo and attention to detail, rather than the fast tempo of 55 years, is "a masterpiece of this century far superior to the first recording 27 years ago".

Indeed, it is a deep performance that makes you feel a shadow never seen before.

But why did Gould re-record it?


Gould was criticized for ignoring the intentions and instructions of the original composer.

It means that the performance should approach one correct answer.

On the other hand, Gould insisted on the possibility of the performer's creative interpretation, that is, multiple correct answers.

He replayed the first undisputed "Goldberg Variations" in his performances in the final stages of his life.

The performance of "Goldberg Variations," entirely different from the past but as great as it was then, was realized.

By doing so, he proved the possibility of his creative interpretation with his power.

It was also to break the illusion of only one absolute truth.

Of course, this is my hypothesis, and there are many possible interpretations.

In any case, I think this double album is worth listening to for the online music streaming generation.


By the way, I have one idea.

It is the jacket picture of the last "Goldberg Variations" released in 1982.

Gould is a big fan of Natsume Soseki's novel "Kusamakura," He had four kinds of translations.

He may have seen a famous portrait with Natsume Soseki's right hand on his forehead.

Perhaps that jacket photo, which is a portrait of Gould's last years, may have imitated the appearance of Soseki.

The opening sentence of "Kusamakura" is famous, but how did Gould read that sentence?

I thought while listening to his "Goldberg Variations."


"While climbing the mountain road, I fell to thinking.

If you move based on your knowledge, you will receive a lot of criticism.

Prioritizing emotions slow down the right decisions.

If you act according to your beliefs, it isn't easy to move forward.

Anyway, the human world is hard to live in.

When it becomes challenging to live, you will want to move to a peaceful place.

Poetry is born, and pictures are drawn, when we realize that it's hard to live wherever we move. "

(From the beginning of Natsume Soseki's "Kusamakura")

Glenn Herbert Gould

Glenn Herbert Gould - Wikipedia

Glenn Gould - A State of Wonder - The Complete Goldberg Variations 1955(38 minutes)

Glenn Gould - A State of Wonder - The Complete Goldberg Variations 1981(51 minutes)




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