その瞬間、At that moment,


English learner's blog


I am an English language learner and a trade office worker. I am interested in movies, classical music, knitting lace, golf, and painting, especially Monet and other impressionists. I would like to share my passion for English and art with various people through this blog. I hope to leave my feelings and my artwork and experiences on the blog. Thank you for taking a look.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr


私は神の専門家ではありませんが、神はさまざまなベクトルを通じて人間に語りかけています。 賢明な人々は、芸術、音楽、詩を通して宗教の偉大な本を組織しますが、創造を通してこれほど詳細と恵みと喜びを提供できるものはありません。(English) I'm not an expert on God, but you wrote that God talks to human beings through many vectors. Wise people organize the great books of religions through art, music and poetry, but nowhere with such detail and grace and joy as...

子育てに悩んだとき、何を参考にすればいいのか。福厳寺住職で登録者40万超のYouTubeチャンネルが人気の大愚元勝さんは「お釈迦さまは『子を自分の所有物だと思うな』と説いている。親と子は別人格であることを自覚し、共に成長することを心がけたほうがいい」という 。(English) What should I refer to when I am worried about bringing up children? "The Buddha preached, 'Don't think of your child as your property. Parents and children should be aware that they are different personalities...

「100分de名著」(NHK Eテレ)で取り上げる作品を九年にわたり選び続けてきたプロデューサー、秋満吉彦さんが最も戦慄を覚えたのは、現代社会のありようを言い当てる「名著の予知能力」でした。2023年5月31日に発売された新書『名著の予知能力』は、まったく新しい名著の読み方を提案する書。(English) Producer Yoshihiko Akimitsu, who has been selecting works to be featured in "100 minutes de masterpieces'' (NHK E-tele) for nine years, was most horrified by the "predictive ability of...

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Takorine&です。英語学習者で芸術に触れることが生きがいです。My name is Takorine&. I am an English learner, and my passion is art.


I started online English conversation in May 2020. I learned about the daily news and started working on English translations of articles I was interested in around the fall of 2021.





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